FIG 2022-2024 Code Of Points

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They correlate worse, but I’m not bored anymore I’m baking cookies so you go look it up yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
German xmas cookies, they’re called vanilla kipferl 🤤🤤🤤
Do we have a copy of the finalised new code with the new elements in it yet?
A couple of resources for reference:

FIG - WTC Newsletter 46 containing edits made to the initial draft

Asian Gymnastics Union COP Webinar

Because the presentation runs for 4 hours, I’ve broken out the various sections below and included highlights of changes, with an emphasis on items that are new since the first draft of the COP was published. Therefore, things like the limitations on wolf turns on beam and floor, and Tkatchev elements on bars are things I haven’t included. Some information is not new, but I have included it below because we have commentary from the WTC behind the rationale for the changes.

7:00 - 30:46 (Introductory Remarks, Commentary on Judges’ Courses, specifically timing and online format)

31:55 - (Updates on Sections 1 - 9)

Section 2

  • Uneven Bars have been raised by 5cm, and gymnasts may request that the bars be raised by an additional 5cm.
Section 7, 36:05
  • For flight elements on uneven bars, elements listed under the same number will be considered to be the same when the legs are together or straddled. (i.e. a gymnast can no longer receive DV for both a straddled Jaeger and a piked Jaeger)
  • The 0.2 dismount bonus will only be awarded if the dismount is performed without a fall. However, DV will still be awarded assuming the gymnast lands on their feet first. (Rationale - To encourage progression of difficulty in routines.)
Section 8, 41:50
  • 0.1 deduction for inexactness of tuck / pike position in double saltos without twist (Rationale - Double layout dismounts from bars were downgraded to double pikes, but without a codified deduction)
  • Large step or jump landing deduction now applies when it is more than shoulder width (Rationale - The 1m rule was too lenient. Gymnasts could have a landing that deviated significantly from what is ideal, but only receive a 0.1 deduction.)
  • 0.3 deduction for brush against apparatus or mats (Rationale - Too much variance between no deduction for a brush and a 1.0 deduction for a fall)
Section 9, 44:32
  • On Vault, gymnasts will receive credit for a stretched position on vaults without twist, even when there is slight bend in the hips (up to 30 degrees). (Rationale - To obtain layout credit, some gymnasts will arch their bodies during the salto. However, this technique will often prevent gymnasts from progressing into vaults with more than a full twist. Therefore, the WTC is allowing the slight pike to break reliance on the arch technique to receive layout credit on vaults.)
  • Jumps, Leaps, or Hops with 1/2 turn must be executed with the 1/2 turn coming either before or after the position has been achieved. (Rationale - With regards to side elements, the 1/4 turn to 1/4 turn results in the gymnast actually hitting the body position in cross position, rather than side position. Additionally, it was felt that the new criteria would reduce ambiguity for judges.)
  • Foot at crown of head required for ring elements to receive credit. (Rationale - To improve uniformity of how ring elements are evaluated across competitions.)
Section 10 - Vault, 1:00:44
  • Ideal execution on the preflight of Group 3 / Tsukahara and Kasamatsu vaults is considered to be at least 90 degrees of twist. Up to 45 degrees of twist can be missing before the vault is called as a front handspring vault. In addition, a 0.3 deduction for the missing twist will be applied. Judges are permitted to use the angle of the shoulders as a guideline because hand placement may not be completely clear. (Rationale - To better distinguish between well and poorly executed vaults and reduce the ambiguity of when to credit a Group 3 vault vs. a front handspring vault.)
  • Judges can now deduct either 0.1 or 0.3 for body position in stretched saltos with twist
Section 11 - Uneven Bars, 1:28:30
  • Despite the E ratings on the Teza elements, the WTC does not encourage them because it feels they put a gymnast’s shoulders at high risk for injury.
  • Pak salto deductions are now for insufficient height, rather than based on angle of completion. (Center of Gravity above high bar = No Deduction, Center of Gravity at high bar height = 0.1, Center of Gravity below high bar height = 0.3)
Section 12 - Balance Beam, 2:19:16
  • For side somi vs. free cartwheel credit: The element will now be considered a side somi if one leg is bent, and the other leg is straight. Previously, the opposite was true. In addition, gymnasts can receive a 0.3 deduction for insufficient tuck.
  • Additional clarification was provided on criteria for receiving credit on ring elements. In particular, sufficient arch is defined as when the gymnast’s head is in-line with the gymnast’s lower thigh / hamstring, and also the gymnast’s chest is vertical / parallel to the beam.
  • Lack of work in releve is no longer a deduction. However, if a gymnast shows releve, but it is poorly done a 0.1 deduction can be assessed.
  • Complex has been removed from the sideways and close to beam movement deductions. However, more concrete criteria and examples were provided as to what would be needed to avoid a deduction. Ideally, movement should include two body parts with choreography. In addition, the typical side steps across the beam while moving the arms that many gymnasts show was highlighted as something that would be deducted.
  • For close to beam, either two elements touching the beam, one element plus one movement with choreography, or two choreographic movements with two different body parts would be considered to be sufficient.
Section 13 - Floor Exercise, 3:16:45
  • Discussion around artistry was similar to that on balance beam.
Questions and Answers, 3:45:15
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I love you

I tried to watch it but after 15 minutes I just couldn’t anymore. So painful.
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The Tweddle has been devalued to E:

So, does the 1/2 turn in the Derwael have to be substantially completed before regrasp? This was a super grey area of the previous code on these releases. And everyone here is smart enough to know doing a half and then catching in mixed is much more difficult than catching in mix and doing the half turn on the downswing. But is WTC smart enough to make that distinction?
They should DEFINITELY add a note to the Help Desk that says “always credit the 1/2 but deduct 0.1 precision for turning on the bar”.

Simple fix but we know the FIG … they’ll probably say “1/2 turn on the bar downgrades it to switch leap”.

On a side note - foot now must be at crown of head to get ring credit. It basically eliminates the skill from the Code unless you’re Chinese or Flavia.
They’ve fixed everything!

Thank god they got on top of the issues with splits occurring in the middle of half-twisting jump and gymnasts getting credit for these split ring positions with their feet at head height. They were destroying gymnastics.

And I can’t tell you how often I thought to myself “They really should make gymnasts get their hips above the high bar on those Pak Saltos. Especially the shorter gymnasts.”

Finally, I appreciate the clarification on what constitutes low-to-beam and side choreography. Hopefully, they did not actually inscribe these rules into the actual Code of Points and will rely on it being information shared elsewhere so that there are more chances to take deductions on this.
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these crossways 1/2 jumps are going to be so f*cking hideous. They took a new trend, decided it was too aesthetically pleasing and made it a crime against humanity
There still needs to be releve on beam…not showing any will result in a deduction. Showing it poorly will receive the deduction as well…
And I can’t tell you how often I thought to myself “They really should make gymnasts get their hips above the high bar on those Pak Saltos. Especially the shorter gymnasts.”
I really like this new change. Although I do worry we might see more athletes go really high (hips above the bar) but catch v flat, almost in front support

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