FEEDBACK PLEASE: Does the forum software matter to you?

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scrolling down there is a slight pause as it loads the next 20 but pretty smooth, scrolling up…you scroll up to a blank white page and then it populates with the posts and if you aren’t sure what post you are trying to get to (like 45/1000), trying to scan as you go is difficult. The only thing that i lose a bit with endless scroll is that sometimes I remember “Oh, Person X said something about that early in the topic…maybe page 3ish?” and then I go look. But since posts on this site aren’t numbered, it is maybe a bit hard, in a long conversation, to find that one post that was interesting.
The timeline should give the the post #.
On an iPhone I don’t get post #s. I haven’t checked the iPad. I’m fine with it.
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the timeline shows what post number you are on, but the posts themselves are not individually numbered.

(also, none of this is to imply that I dislike the site. I like it a lot. I just am a fountain of ideas (some good, some bad, some crazy) and they leak out all over the place)

ETA: looks like the scroll thing is the main point of the software, according to that link. if that is so, I withdraw my idea. 😉
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I ask a ton of questions because I am more of a traditional forum type of person. This software does seem to work much better for this community though… especially during the competitions like today.

It’s modern… I just want to get it to work better.
ETA: looks like the scroll thing is the main point of the software, according to that link. if that is so, I withdraw my idea.
It is… it’s basically forum software made to go up against social media… but still be a forum.
Well, it works for me and I hate most social media. I don’t tweet and only insta if someone here links directly to a video. I’m old. 😉
I actually think it’s good how it is — I accepted it and got used to it fast. The alternative you linked to is also good.
I’m getting some jumpy scrolling from time to time too. Just trying to figure out if there is some setting we can tweak to make it work better.
I seem to have weird issues with it (my mobile display above, I can only use the default heart emoticon on desktops, it sometimes drops me in the middle of a thread instead of at my new post); I’m guessing that’s a combination of not using a chromium-based browser and/or some of the privacy extensions I have, but I still like it. It’s never been anything I can’t work around, and just having the entire conversation, in order, with all the comments is invaluable to me, and I really appreciate all the work that goes into keeping this place running.
It has been the smoothest-running forum software I’ve been using.
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Nope. Switching browsers, it shows up with a mouse over, but in Firefox it just doesn’t respond. Thus my suspicion about the Discourse extension being specifically designed for chromium based browsers.

ETA: They work as expected in the chat, though
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seem to have weird issues with it (my mobile display above, I can only use the default heart emoticon on desktops, it sometimes drops me in the middle of a thread instead of at my new post);
Inconsistently I’ve been dropped to random spots in threads. I figured it was me switching between mobile and computer all over the place. With the emoticons, they’ve been working great lately, but originally i would have to heart something and then go back to try to change it and then the other options would hold in place long enough for me to click them.

(just did it to me in this thread. I typed the first part on mobile and not just jumped on my computer and it dropped me at my previous post. So, I think that traces that issue. Probably need to do more refreshing).

On a different note, the 1000 post thread link tells me that forum can have wikis. Where would something like that go/show up on the site? Was that tried when the site first started up? Maybe it would be worthwhile to have a wiki with links to the judging sheets, to the live scoring links, and/or links to streams. So, I can quit bugging peeps in the middle of threads asking “uh, where was that again?”

(so the idea fountain strikes again. It would be so cool if the software could “tag” important posts. Like the ones that lots of people have liked and then the side scroll bar could have something that indicates “hey, there was an important post here” and you could jump to it to see what was so interesting. Obviously you would have to get people to interact with the posts and there would have to be some sort of measurement of interactions and they would have to pick ones that I find interesting… 😉 I’m not asking for falcon to implement this idea. Just leaking it out into the universe. I guess it would be like pinned posts on some forums)
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Inconsistently I’ve been dropped to random spots in threads. I figured it was me switching between mobile and computer all over the place.
That’s been happening to me pretty regularly in the last couple of days (and I don’t use the mobile version). I thought it was just me and I needed to clear my browser cache or something.
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Yeah, I just revisited this thread to read your reply and it dropped me in at 55/75 and I haven’t switched devices. It still has the “last visit” delineation line but it didn’t bring me right there. and I had just refreshed the “latest” page.

ETA: it is consistently dropping me 20 posts back right now. I went to read an unread thread and instead of taking me to the 2 new posts, it put me back 20 posts. Same with this thread except it took me to 56 this time because i guess this reply added 1 more post to the count. But I don’t think it hasn’t been doing this 100% of the time, I just really noticed it today.
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I use Firefox all the time.
Yeah, I just revisited this thread to read your reply and it dropped me in at 55/75 and I haven’t switched devices. It still has the “last visit” delineation line but it didn’t bring me right there. and I had just refreshed the “latest” page.

ETA: it is consistently dropping me 20 posts back right now. I went to read an unread thread and instead of taking me to the 2 new posts, it put me back 20 posts. Same with this thread except it took me to 56 this time because i guess this reply added 1 more post to the count. But I don’t think it hasn’t been doing this 100% of the time, I just really noticed it today.
I’ve been having the same issue, on mobile only. Fortunately the little blue “back” button appears quickly and I can use that to jump down to the most recent unread post, but it is kinda annoying.

I’ve not been having any similar issues on desktop.
Anyone that was having any issues in this thread… please check now and see if they are still happening. Things should be fixed now.

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