2026 Commonwealth Games- Glasgow, Scotland are the new host.

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There weren’t any seasonings other than salt and pepper for poor farmers so they tried to season what they had with fat. Otherwise it’s just boiled beans. And I refused to eat it either way. I didn’t own any seasonings until I moved out of my parents’ house and bought my own things. Then I started cooking other ways.

The American south was mostly very poor until one generation ago.
There weren’t any seasonings other than salt and pepper for poor farmers so they tried to season what they had with fat. Otherwise it’s just boiled beans. And I refused to eat it either way. I didn’t own any seasonings until I moved out of my parents’ house and bought my own things. Then I started cooking other ways.

The American south was mostly very poor until one generation ago.
I think seasoning is definitely more of an American thing. Most people just use salt and pepper surely?
Seasonings usually refers to things like various herbs, chili powders (generic chili, ancho, chipotle, etc.), paprika, even garlic, that sort of stuff.

Some food are great with just some salt and pepper. Sometimes, you don't even need that. Other vegetables demand more. Boiled beans is definitely one of those, brussel sprouts is another.

My mother is of an age where all fat and all salt is EVIL. Our food was flavorless, imo, and even today, the food she cooks is so bland. We ate lots of plain oven-baked skinless chicken breasts and green beans boiled until they were limp growing up. And then I moved to the upper midwest, land of a beige buffet. It wasn't until I spent 6 months in Italy that I learned food could be amazing with little effort, and a joyous communal experience to boot.
once I moved out on my own i loved to cook. Love to eat. Seasonings are very important. A few restaurant meals taught me about food. Cookbooks were also eye-opening.
If 2026 does manage to go ahead, I can’t see the CWGs surviving beyond that without huge change
The games folding would be unfortunate for the smallest Commonwealth members. I hope the CGF implement reforms to make hosting desirable. Mitt Romney's always available if they need help.

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