2023 US Classic (Pre Meet and WAG Juniors Discussion)

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Buckeye only has 4 gymnasts here but it feels like an army because I just keep seeing Kittia Carpenter planted in the same places over and over.
Izzy Stassi falls on her floor dismount, double pike. She looked like she had zero energy.
“If I wanted her to come home happy and smiling every day, I’d send her to clown school; I’m serious,” Rivera said. “If my daughter has goals and her goal is to be an elite athlete, I need a coach to teach her the right things and safely, and to push them.”

Rivera said if Haney ever was abusive to his daughter, he would have noticed because he monitors what she is going through “emotionally, mentally and physically,” considering it his job as a parent.

“As parents, we need to be vigilant,” he said. “And if you don’t like it, get up and leave.”
They just sound delightful. And now she’s with Valeri. This will end well
In my years of watching gymnastics… I can’t think of too many who were nervy competitors who improved and became the big winners. So if Rivera is nervy… she might always be nervy.
I guess Hezly withdrew, it already has a 0 for her on FX
We saw her on Bars I think. I’m pretty sure I really liked her set. Very confident and elegant (but I am also playing phone games so…)
In my years of watching gymnastics… I can’t think of too many who were nervy competitors who improved and became the big winners. So if Rivera is nervy… she might always be nervy.
Yeah, that’s my experience coaching as well. The nervy ones stay nervy. The gamers are gamers from a young age. Kinda remarkable.

It’s the gamers who are absolutely hot messes in the gym that always get me. Can’t hit to save their lives, sometimes have multiple emotional meltdowns a week, but stick them in front of a judge? They will hit like their life depends on it.
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Lacie had about a million too many casts.

Guess Ally must’ve fallen on beam. 11.2 with a 6.5 E. Maybe she fell 3 times…
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Some of these juniors who made errors got slumped and despondent looking. Others smiled anyway and got back up. I admire the ones who keep trying.
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