I found this just in time to catch the gem that is Mariano and some very excited French commentary about Osberger.
Tunnelbear has banned my IP address which is a little concerning!
So I guess they didn’t count Jarman’s 3.5X dismount? Two triple twists and no dismount for 6.4? It was one of those weird tumbles that actually looked closer to being round in slow-mo than live.
Now I rewatched and can kind of see why Boyer placed first. She has no artistry deductions and other than the mount, was fairly solid other than the balance check after the layout.
Saraiva had several hesitations and while she is pretty and generally executes pretty cleanly, she had a few more artistry deductions. The hesitations were .3 a piece so that is .6 minimum off E.
I feel this routine has a really very nice start to it, then just completely collapses mid routine, choreo and construction wise that is.
Randomly rolling on the floor has shot up to the top of my fx pet peeves. These women are incredible versatile athletes, surely there’s something better they could do? In Spain we call this doing the croqueta, which granted, it might be where my hate comes from