2022 World Gymnastics Championships Team Qualifications (Saturday 10/29 SD 1&2- Sunday 10/30 SD 3-10)

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I mean 12s on beam aren’t that crazy these days. The 10 is classic China, but yes, I expect them to sneak in.

Ellie on floor, this is pretty wild choreo to watch without sound. I sure hope the music justifies this somehow.
Ellie Black’s choreography is…interesting. Especially without the music for context.

turner from CAN 13.3 on floor, that did look lovely. The tumbling was generally lacking though, other than denomme who had a big DLO and seems to be working towards 1/1 to full-in
Even with those scores, they are the second best team so far on beam. They’re currently third on floor (behind Canada) and fourth on vault (behind Australia and Balguim, with Canada yet to compete)
Denommee’s score pushes Canada up to 118.462. China now to bars, Canada to vault. You’d still expect China to come out ahead, but if they fall this could be close. They should both beat Australia though.
Canada has Ellie, any other good vaulters? They might be able to compete with chinese scores? Specially since they might implode and jump off the bar after a kip cast?

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