Simone’s Yurchenko Double Pike

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Ha it was an over exaggerated example to illustrate the ridiculousness of her point.

And yes, she has essentially said the FIG is tired of her winning all the time and that’s the reason they are valuing her skills low.
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I’d have no problem using the MAG VT code for WAG as well - but doesn’t it have the same 1.2 differential between the DTY and the DPY as the WAG code?
And yes, she has essentially said the FIG is tired of her winning all the time and that’s the reason they are valuing her skills low.
Dude, she didn’t say that about the YDP! She said that about the beam dismount which you just agreed she’s in the right to complain about.

You’re telling her to shush and be quiet about the YDP when she’s just shrugging and going, “It is what it is,” when asked.
What would you say if Suni came out and complained that Wolf Turns we’re undervalued?

“A quarter of my beam/floor is wolf turns. It’s not fair, they want me to lose.”
But that would also require the reporters to keep asking her about it. Most sports reporters don’t seem to research their subjects except superficially, there was manufactured drama when the YDP was debuted that comes up when they do a quick Google, and controversy creates clicks. Simone can’t just say no comment to all the stupid questions (Naomi Osaka tried to go that route and was eviscerated by the stupid public), so what else is she going to do but tell the truth? In the past, they undervalued a new skill (bb dismount–she is absolutely right), and she wanted USAG to fight for a higher value for the vault, they didn’t, it is what it is. She doesn’t say she is the only one they’ve done this to and while we can’t know FIG’s exact motivation, I think we all agree that “athlete safety” is a laughable excuse. Might as well just say her bra strap was showing too.

I think people taking quotes out of context has contributed to the issue here. And the constant repeat questions from shitty reporters. And the frequent “hot takes” on social media by people that don’t know better or just want to stir shit.
That’s been more or less why I have no problem with the provisional value. Although, the chances of a YDP getting a 0 or downgraded are higher so that might be an issue that resolves itself. However if a gymnast from a poorly funded country whose gym doesn’t even have a vaulting table seriously hurts herself chucking this skill because chucking has never been discouraged, people would be pointing fingers at FIG for valuing it too high.
Lol maybe I’m projecting I’m Gymcastic’s reaction to the 6.6.

What has Simone actually said about the 6.6. I’m sure it wasn’t limited to “it is what it is”.
At Classics she said that sure they wished it was higher, but they can’t control that and she’s still going to do it. The social media blew up with the whole wildly over the top HOW DARE THEY, but she didn’t say anything (recall w/ the dismount she absolutely tweeted her displeasure). They didn’t really ask her about it at Nats since she didn’t do it. And at Trials, as quoted, she said (when asked because Tom specifically said that any contesting would have to be from Simone’s camp bcs he, SHOCKINGLY I’M SURE, wasn’t going to do anything) sure it would’ve been fair for Tom/USAG to fight it, but you choose your battles, it is what it is, and characterized complaining about it further as “being a brat!”

I think they expected her to get completely hosed like with the dismount and when it was reasonable they were like, “Eh, it’s fine.” Social media, however, went off on a tear on the back of the BB dismount and acted like this was the same when it very much wasn’t and Simone herself certainly seems to realize this.
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Tom seems to be big on talking a big game and then passing the buck and I think that Simone feels a bit unsupported that he didn’t go in to bat for her and even try to argue for a higher tariff

Also there was that odd issue with Jade where Tom called FIG and wanted them to tell him what to do about Jade and what she should do at trials
Actually, they’ve done a lot of devaluing to make elements less desirable in the men’s code, too, and for lots of reasons: legit safety, traditionalism, dislike of certain things, limiting Steve Legendre so Dragulescu can win, implicit homophobia…
I don’t think that what she said is bad or anything like that, but to be fair to people critiquing what she said, Biles did not say something like “I would have liked higher, but 6.6 is fair.”
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Then why do we see so many of them compared to the YDP ?
Because they’re easier to Chuck and land on your ass.

You can’t Chuck a YDP.

But the ability to chuck a skill and not die shouldn’t be the barometer of how difficult it is.
I’m saying if the YDP is easier why aren’t more men performing it than the Double front ?
They don’t seem to train yurchenkos generally that much. How many men off the top of your head do a 2.5 y?

Didn’t melissanidis compete the ydp in the 90s? Or maybe tucked?
He did it tucked and the logic that it’s easier to do a YDP doesn’t hold up , what evidence is there that it’s easier ?
Well, Simone herself said the pike is easier. So there’s that.

And in MAG, we rarely see this, or the tsuk double back, in tucked position. So there’s that as well.
Depends on the athlete. Sometimes the tuck position causes them to bend their knees too early while the snap is still occurring. This results in a less powerful vault.

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