Definitely. Many others have been and will be hosed.
I think they just don’t want people to be able to pile on difficulty in ways they don’t approve of in order to insulate themselves against errors despite the fact that, hey, that’s what the code you DESIGNED is meant to do, but whatever. It’s also partly the stupid letter value system because they pretty clearly don’t like skipping letters.
Though, since she’s been introducing so many extremely difficult new skills and is hypervisible I can see why after being completely hosed like with the dismount, she’d feel targeted even if I don’t necessarily agree that she was. I mean, didn’t they have a WTC meeting after 2018 Worlds where one of the things under discussion was them basically trying to figure out how to make it so she couldn’t win with two falls again?
Also of note, she talks about starting to train the YDP and says that they’ve put together an entire list of counterarguments if the FIG decided to hose her again. Since they didn’t challenge the rating, I assume they figured it was okay enough even if they’d wanted slightly higher. I think they might’ve been expecting a complete travesty under the guise of “safety concerns” like the double double dismount.