Pre-Olympics Discussion (Injured athletes, named teams, other news) starting 5/9/24

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Michelle Pineda, now representing Mexico, won the all around at the Pan American Championships with a 52.500. Luisa Blanco got the continental quote at Pan American Games with a 50.099.
Granted separate meets. But I wonder if the 24 Championships were to be used as the continental qualifier if Pineda would be going to Paris and not Blanco.
I believe Mexico already has all their slots filled (1 for the team placement, 1 for Alexa Moreno in AA, 1 for Ahtziri Sandoval in UB?)
Michelle Pineda, now representing Mexico, won the all around at the Pan American Championships with a 52.500. Luisa Blanco got the continental quote at Pan American Games with a 50.099.
Granted separate meets. But I wonder if the 24 Championships were to be used as the continental qualifier if Pineda would be going to Paris and not Blanco.
I wonder why she waited so long to make the nationality switch. I quite like her gymnastics, but did she really think a major team was in the cards for her? She could have helped Mexico get a full team at worlds last year or easily qualified via the AA.
Yes it is rough for her after all her setbacks. i would love to have seen her upgrades.. They need a good vaulter now so I hope Elze’s chances are improving. I NEED her to make the team! ❤️
Huge blow to Netherlands team, who will struggle to make team finals without Thorsdottier.
Opens the door for Romania, Canada, or Korea to make team finals. I don't think Australia will be able to without Godwin. Netherlands can still advance but it will be hard to replace Thorsdottier's scores.
It will be harder but if Lieke is back to full strength and vaults a Y11/2 it could still happen
Naomi aa
Lieke aa
Vera aa
Elze vt/fx
Sanne bb/ub
Qualifications are later today
Ok done with qualifications, Elze got injured as well and she is out…
Very upset about that, I SO wanted her to make the team after all her setbacks and injuries. sO disappointed for her… off to have a good cry now…
Dutch qualification
1 Vera van Pol 53.625
2 Naomi Visser 53.517 (14.267 UB, only 12.567 on FX)
3 Lieke Wevers 51.709
4 Sanna Veerman 51.625 (14.533 UB)

Sanne Wevers 13.000 UB, 14.100 BB

i guess this will be the team..

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