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Every teen says that.

But for real, don't say things like that on the internet, speaking of safety. Lots of creepers around that use that line on teens.
I'm careful don't worry. Plus my mom supervises all my accounts. Reads a lot of what I say and every single DM I ever get on any account.
See now I'd find that easy to pronounce. The Russian Kazakh pastry chef and Siberian coworker I worked with had names that had me just staring at them. They're just Jenya and Elena for me. It was fun listening to them chat in Russian to each other and then they'd turn to me and tell me everything they just said in English.

Larisa I know is Ukrainian only because of The Secret World of Alex Mack's actress Larisa Oleynik
It’s not a popular name at all now. It’s very much a “granny name” no one under 60 is called Larisa.
It’s not a popular name at all now. It’s very much a “granny name” no one under 60 is called Larisa.
Oh, like Linda over here. One of my friends since childhood (who is from the Netherlands) is named Linda and people look at her weird when she tells them her name and tell her she's so young to have that name. And there's a Linda Club that gives scholarships to women named Linda, LOL
Always Spanish. Most people will appreciate. You can go right to, can we speak English if you want. But if you immediately use your language while you're not in your country, it can come off as a little pretentious. Unless you're in a hotel or such where the people are expected to, of course
I was in a resort area of Ibiza when last there. Noticed all hospitality staff tend to speak to anyone pale (and also black, so I'm told) in English pre-emptively. I guessed the assumption is that even if you're eg Dutch or Polish, you probably speak English better than Spanish. But was never sure what to do if I was the one talking first!

This also works with other guests except, interestingly, French ones. I have only ever been addressed in English or French elsewhere in Europe!

But very helpful to have the perspective, as my next visit to Spain will be a city. I shall dust out my teenage Spanish then!
I would never try to speak Spanish in Spain because all the Spanish I've picked up comes from Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Huge Latin American immigrant population in my town.
I would never try to speak Spanish in Spain because all the Spanish I've picked up comes from Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Huge Latin American immigrant population in my town.
I learned formal Spain Spanish in 7th grade and then Peru Spanish in 8th grade and then Mexico Spanish freshman year and idk what kind of Spanish sophomore year.
During the 12 years I was a chef, I worked with people from Peru, Bolivia, Panama, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and probably a few others I'm forgetting. The Spanish I know is a mishmash of their dialects.
I would never try to speak Spanish in Spain because all the Spanish I've picked up comes from Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Huge Latin American immigrant population in my town.
But that's no problem at all. Worst case scenario older people might not get some things, but honestly, there's quite a lot of Latin American immigration in Spain as well so as long as it's not deep slang, you'll be fine. Maybe you'll unwittingly say dick or something, but it'll be fine
There are a quite a lot of Latin American people working in tourism in Spain. Depending on the sort of travel you do, you might find more opportunity to speak those dialects than you think!
I'll at some point make it to Europe. I've only been around Asia a bit and a week in Toronto.
But that's no problem at all. Worst case scenario older people might not get some things, but honestly, there's quite a lot of Latin American immigration in Spain as well so as long as it's not deep slang, you'll be fine. Maybe you'll unwittingly say dick or something, but it'll be fine
Well now you're going to have to furnish us with a word that means dick in Castilian Spanish but not Latin American, or I shall be even more disappointed than I was during the beam and high bar finals.
I'll at some point make it to Europe. I've only been around Asia a bit and a week in Toronto.
Belgium is really pretty as is Paris. Paris is busy though and very crowded. Belgium depending on where you are is like the country here in the US
Larisa I know is Ukrainian only because of The Secret World of Alex Mack's actress Larisa Oleynik
Never thought this prog would get a shout out on here. Loved this growing up in the 90s.

One day arena security asked me if I spoke French. When I answered “un petit peu” they said they loved that and gave me the biggest smile for trying. Can’t remember if that was the same day I said I had a potato (pomme de terre) in my bag rather than an apple (pomme) at the second security check 🤦‍♀️
Belgium is really pretty as is Paris. Paris is busy though and very crowded. Belgium depending on where you are is like the country here in the US
A close friend is from southern France (close to Nice) and she and her mother tell me to spend more time there as opposed to Paris. I still want to see the landmarks and eat my way through Paris, though.

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