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Front tumbling being Ds:

Front fulls (and higher) were the same as full-in back out as that is how it was since the D catagory was instituted in 1985. That code is available at gymnasticsresults, as well.

In the 1992 Cycle WTC kept them both as Ds but in 1993 they downgraded the double somis to Cs. Hence tucked or piked doubles all but disappeared from the top group’s exercies. Many casual fans did not know why the double tucked dismount disappeared on FX. The media constantly said the WTC upgraded front tumbling. Not true.

Back in the day the code was not free to download. You had to pay and most did not. Many people online refused to understand the code and argued based on past ones and personal preferences. Judges frequently laughed, deleted their posts, and moved on. I knew several.

In 1997 they downgraded the front tumbling to Cs and raised the double pike to a D. A change in routine composition quickly followed.
I felt like by ‘96 though there was a bias against those who didn’t do the big dismount… i.e. almost an unspoken deduction for a front tumbling pass dismount. Don’t get me wrong, I’d much prefer a full in to a rudi or a front full dismount.
Just thinking of that floor final, did anyone aside from Moceanu not have a big dismount?
Oh definitely. For the biggest scores, you needed to be able to dismount with a tucked full in or something of equal value, and have a DLO or similar to mount. The floor final in Atlanta had 6 athletes who mounted with a DLO and finished with the full in, and the eventual champion isn’t in that group because she exceeded the standard. You could do your twisty stuff in the middle, but you were supposed to have at least one pass that was more difficult than the full in.

Moceanu is an outlier, and even then she was beaten by at least three athletes in each optional round: it was probably not going to be a medal winning routine. I don’t think anyone else who wasn’t saving their full in to dismount with got above 9.8 in Atlanta.
Moceanu subbed in for Strug. Strug did double layout, front fulls layout then piked, and full-in dismount.

The big question about Moceanu in Atlanta FX final was the combination pass. The rules said 2 passes ( a pass being at least 3 elements and one being a Salto) and three different somis. Domi did two front layout fulls. Somehow they called them different.
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It was Dawes who subbed in. Moceanu was the second US qualifier and 4th overall with 19.587, although Dawes did have the higher score in optionals.
And going back to Furnon, I think her score is reflected in that unspoken deduction. If she does the full in as her fourth pass instead of her third pass, she gets a better score.
Thank you @Concorde @Love_Joy !

It would be interesting to see her floor routine from the AA finals where she received a 9.750 to be able to compare.
Thx everybody! This was very informative and it also made me realise, i don’t give a s**t about the code and would have loved to see her in finals :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:🤓:man_shrugging:t3:
I couldn’t find her AA FX but here’s her compulsory routine for your viewing pleasure. This routine did score 9.75.

I don’t think Furnon received a leotard “deduction” for her routine.
She was 5th best on floor in the all around against big names.
Screen Shot 2023-02-24 at 10.18.16 AM

So judges were willing to get her score near the top, in optionals she just fudged her second pass.
Although 9.75 wasn’t a huge score in Atlanta for floor really. It took fuck ups from half the eventual floor finalists for it to be 5th highest in the AA. Amanar, Dawes, Moceanu and to a lesser extent Mo Huilan would all have been expected to comfortably beat 9.75. Off the top of my head it would make Furnon about the 15th highest scorer across the whole Games.
moving on, here are the Romanians:

although it says unforgettable floor exercises it’s only the Romanians, so, if this isn’t a huge statement, then someone made a mistake uploading. These are better known, but still some interesting things like tugurlan doing whip-whip-whip-direct double twist, scoring a 9.712 and piercing my heart to think that that routine was anywhere close to furnon.
Amanar was only out of 9.90 on FX in AA final in Atlanta. She had no C skills, needed 2, so lost part of her Difficulty bonus needed for 10.00 SV. It cost her the AA silver and she landed tied for bronze.

Miller, Mo, Galieva, Dawes all threw away their routines. Even Strug would have outscored her in AA finals most likely.

Furnon was very lucky in her career. In 1995 she took bronze in EF but that final was a complete mess. Plus she only had 9.90 SV. She was very lucky.
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sometimes I think that too, but do you think she then would have gone on to vault and done well after 93 and 94? It would have been a beautiful story for her but I can’t say I’m sure it would have happened
I see y’all trying to get me off of my Ludivine train with start values and code discussion, which is frankly just never going to work when she’s got “they call me cuban pete” music going on for her
Amanar was only out of 9.90 on FX in AA final in Atlanta.
Because of the short Split 1/1, right?

What about Dina? This Popa before the double tuck looks at least 90 short, right?

BTW still blows my mind she did a different music in EF.

For all the complaining about poor corner choreography, at least we don’t see absolute lunchbreaks in the corners anymore. The one before her EF dismount took the literal biscuit.

And how is this not OOB?


A full 8 seconds in the corner on 2 feet.
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Because of the short Split 1/1, right?
It was a combination of underrotating the tour jete 1/2 and only performing a full turn, versus the double turn that she did in event finals. As such, she didn’t have any ‘true’ C elements and needed to substitute D / E elements in for them, meaning that they weren’t eligible for bonus.


double layout - E, 0.2
2 1/2 twist - required D, no bonus
triple twist → use as C value part, no bonus
tucked full-in → use as C value part, no bonus

Total DV - 0.2


whip - indirect 2 1/2 twist + front tuck

A - indirect D, 0.1 bonus and A + D direct, 0.2 bonus

Total CV - 0.3

Total Bonus - 0.2 DV + 0.3 CV, 9.4 SV + 0.5 bonus = 9.9 SV.

It should also be noted that Amanar’s beam routine only started from a 9.9 SV on paper under Competition II / All-Around rules. She only had 0.2 of the 0.3 in DV bonus needed for a 10.0 SV (front tuck mount, front tuck, double tuck dismount, but one of them has to count as the required D value part, which did not earn bonus).
What about Dina? This Popa before the double tuck looks at least 90 short, right?
Kochetkova did not need to receive credit on her Popas to start from a 10.0 SV under Competition II / All-Around rules.

DV Bonus

double layout - E, 0.2
Rudi - D, 0.1

Total DV Bonus - 0.3


full twisting front layout + front layout

D + C, 0.3 CV

Total Bonus - 0.3 DV + 0.3 CV, 9.4 SV + 0.6 bonus = 10.0 SV
It should also be noted that Amanar’s beam routine only started from a 9.9 SV on paper under Competition II / All-Around rules.
I knew the FX saga but wow I didn’t know this about beam. When you say on paper do you mean that she was given a 10 SV but it should have been 9.9? I can’t find results or a YT video that shows her score with SV.

While looking I came across the BBC Atlanta opening credits. They gave me lovely nostalgia goosebumps so I thought I’d share:

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