Konnor McClain at LSU

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I don’t believe it was the case that she made herself vomit. She became so anxious that it would cause her to vomit.
Thank you MC, this is what I meant to say in my post. I appreciate the clarification.
Tbh my first thought was I wonder how long until she’s in the transfer portal.

Seriously hoping this works out. She deserves a happy ending. I’m curious if they’re gonna keep the standing full or the LO combo. I hope they put at least one in competition at some point, even if not for a major championship.
years old.

Some gymnasts may have the talent but some are not cut out for elite. Sadly it appears to be the case for McClain. At least she was able to make a World championship as an individual in 2021.
Having a stage mom doesn’t help. Poor kid was on Ellen as a preschooler, Steve Harvey before she was eligible to go elite. Insane. Konnor’s probably more a case of chronic mismanagement than anything else.
I think we can give her the benefit of the doubt here; NCAA is a different thing from elite, maybe she’ll find her groove there.
Wherever she goes, I don’t expect her to stay.

Well one thing we knew when Kerri came was she certainly displayed the ability to leave.
She made a tweet a few years ago–I think when they were traveling to 2021 Worlds?–being confused how 2x2=4 when 2+2=4

On one hand, it was probably just one of those empty brain moments everyone has sometimes.

On the other hand, it raised some eyebrows at the quality of her home schooling, especially when she didn’t understand why Suni begged her to delete the tweet.

From what we saw in the Golden documentary, I don’t get the impression her academics were ever a focus for the adults around her.
If she’s going to LSU then she’s graduated high school on schedule surely?
Home school standards are…suspect at best in many states. And LSU, like most universities, has lower admission standards for athletes.
Not New York! The standards are so rigorous and inflexible that it’s basically the same curriculum and state testing requirements as a regular public school education.
State standards are exactly that, whether it is Common Core, or if a state has opted out of CCSS, have to be followed whether a child is in public, private, or home school setting.

However, state testing in every state, while required of public and home school (not private as they have their own tests) are always up to the parent to opt out if they so choose.

If you home school your child you can elect to opt out of state testing. The same can happen in public education, parents can opt out of the state test. Most parents do not know this is an option, and it is not advertised.

State testing is linked to more than just test scores for a school district but also for state funding allocation and it directly effects home values as well.

My cousin’s daughter has anxiety when it comes to taking tests, (in the classroom she was on or above grade level but just couldn’t take high pressure tests), I urged my cousin to get her daughter diagnosed for anxiety. Once she was diagnosed with a doctor documentation I had my cousin arrange a 504 meeting (disability defined under law but NOT special education) so she could have a 504 plan and receive accommodations in the classroom. Additionally, due to the sheer stress of taking state tests, I advised my cousin to opt out of our state test. My cousin did not know this was an option, she thought they were “mandatory”. Since then my cousin’s daughter has not taken any state tests. She will have to take the SATs however to get into college, but with her 504 plan she will have accommodations when she goes to take it next year.
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