Kara Eaker tests positive for Covid (per Al Fong)

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This notion that vaccination is a complete protection is ridiculous. For sure not with the delta variant. Israeli studies have determined Pfizer is 64% effective against symptomatic covid with the Delta variant.
Do you have a source for these Israeli studies handy? Asking for a vaccinated friend who basically did everything right according to CDC guidelines and got COVID anyway. American popular media still seems to be in denial.

Thanks. I appreciate the quick response.
As far as i can tell the Israelis are the only ones really systematically tracking and documenting the variants. So on this I trust their data and reports more than anyone elses. And i am consistently finding their data being underreported in this country. You see much more of the Canadian and UK data which claims that as against symptomatic disease with Delta, the rna vaxxes are around 88% effective. The CDC is without doubt trying to downplay the problem and the media is going along with it.
Another thing both the CDC and media are doing is instead of reporting infection rates or symptomatic disease, they switch their metrics to “how many and what % are hospitalized or dead.” As of covid is no problem whatsoever to people with mild or moderate disease. In spite of the fact that Lancet recently reported serious long haul sickness with people with mild and moderate cases.
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Also, the Israeli data does not include J & J because Israel did not use J & J. Only Pfizer and some Moderna.
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There are VERY few false positives. A positive test followed by a negative test should never be read as a “false positive.” It should be read as a “false negative” or at best inconclusive pending further testing.
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Totally agree I am shocked she was allowed to continue training the next day. They should have said miss a day and wait for another clear test. And how can only one other be a close contact when at least the group of alternates are pictured consistently close together without masks.
Agree in whole. Look, the IOC wants the Games to go forward. Hopefully, there will be no more positive tests from here on in or at least very few and very little disruption. But I am not counting on it. Everyone has been lax in this and our athletes were not well protected from the start.
I’ve read many different things, sometimes contradictory, about how the Olympics were going to handle contact tracing. It’s my understanding that they take people’s vaccine status into account. So, a vaccinated person isn’t automatically removed.
This is the definition of close contact and how they might be allowed to compete (from the athlete playbook).


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This entire situation is so characteristic of USAG this quad. It seems a little risky to not have them in single rooms if one athlete’s positive test means their roommate must quarantine too. It’s also further proof that Al and Armine are bad luck magnets.

AA/event finals will be interesting in terms of positive tests. I’m anticipating a lot of reserves getting to compete.
I hope they are going to have more than 2 reserves for each final. This is especially important since athletes have to leave the country 48 hours after their last competition. I could see a scenario where a gymnast places 11th (after removing 2-per athletes) in qualifications so they return home. Then 3 athletes ahead of them have to scratch due to COVID protocols, injury, or other illness. Or perhaps they are content to have less than 8 in a final. Can you imagine a final with perhaps 4 athletes? It would be like last person standing.

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I guess it is going to be a nervous couple of days for team USA, until they get several more negative tests in for the other athletes.

I’m glad that it was a replacement athlete (and that she is not having serious symptoms).

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