Gymnast Uniforms

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There was somebody in the Doha worlds in a similar leotard too.
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If that style of Leo makes the sport more comfortable or accessible for some gymnasts, then it’s surely a good thing.
Like above, I also can’t see why variations in cut/style etc amongst team members can’t be allowed.
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If a gymnast wants to wear shorts or a unitard, IMO FIG should allow it.

They can easily match the shorts or the leggings part of the leotard to match the upper torso so that the teams have “identical” leotards, which is required by FIG for team competitions.
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Why are you being so aggressive?

Shorts are not currently permitted, indeed the leotard requirements state what the longest leg cut is permitted to be. I imagine that the FIG went for the unitard to avoid the wearing of shorts. I do think that gymnasts in the same team should be able to wear either a leotard or unitard as long as the body is of the same design.
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Please can all the posts on competitive attire be moved to their own thread as it’s not pertaining to GB.
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I think the uniforms are based on outdated customs, personal tastes and old perceptions. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Did the gymnasts wearing shorts get deductions or were there exemptions? And if so how were the exemptions worded?
If leg line is that important, then wearing the full on long pants the men wear will extend the leg line to the waist for UB or whatever.

Those rules read like victorian sexist crap. “Elegant design” the neckline must be “proper”, bleah. That said, the ability to wear complete leg coverings under or on top of the leotard seems to allow for a two piece choice if the full unitard isn’t wanted by the team. Not sure if one member could wear a unitard and the others wear complete leg coverings or if that isn’t matching enough to satisfy the rules.

I’m guessing the outfit that looked like shorts was allowed because it was around 2 cm past the base of the buttocks which is allowed in the rules.
At one point, FIG allowed short unitards to encourage participation in countries where a regular leotard would be considered “immodest.” This was before they allowed full-length unitards in WAG. I think once ankle unitards were allowed, they ceased allowing the short version.
I agree that the terms used are very archaic. But they are actually pretty important rules. You only need to look at NCAA to see what leotards look like without the stricter FIG regulations. My only wish is that the FIG would do something about the excessive glitzyness. It’s actually damaging to how gymnasts and gymnastics is perceived than the leotard itself

Those photos are beyond the 2cm rule. 2cm is a “classic cut” 1960s style leotard.
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The TC mostly like the glitzyness so it’s doubtful they will do something about it.

Although the 6-year-old in me loves it, I do agree it needs to go or at least being taken down quite a bit. It does nothing for the sport to be taken more seriously.
Do they actually like it? Tolerating it is one thing, but I’d be surprised if they actually liked it.
Yes, they do. Well enough for it not to go. It’s the same people who kept feminine and what not in the code and made sure the only way to avoid tons if artistry deductions is to do musical theatre routines.
None of them are truly aware of any current issues. They are the opposite of woke.
I hate musical theatre routines, but I really don’t see the link between that and competition attire.

There’s nothing conservative about rhinestones. You are looking at the sport with massive recency bias. The leotards, the hair and the make up we see today are certainly not traditional to the sport.

The WTC clearly do have an understanding of current issues and opinions, hence allowing unitards. But they should never be basing decisions on what is on trend at the moment
I don’t know why you always assume it’s only you with the wealth of knowledge and everyone else must be a random fan roaming the internet since the last Olympic Games.

I can assure you they truly don’t have an understanding of current issues. They do what they absolutely have to when there’s no option to ignore it anymore. So basically nothing has happened, really. Why I’m so sure of that…I guess you can just assume I like to dream up conversations with TC members.

The unitard is not new btw. and has been allowed for a while. I don’t blame the WTC for so few teams using it though.

As for the musical theatre routines…they have nothing to do with the attire but everything with the TC’s lack of ability to be inclusive or think outside the box for once. They used one (!!!) person’s style and interpretation of artistry to create this code’s criteria for artistry.

All of the TC have spent decades in the extremely close-minded international judging circle, making sure never to step on anyone’s toes and agree with everyone in power, sucking up to the federations whose votes they’d need most in order to make it onto the TC. Not all of them are the same but most of them have spent years willing every original thought out of their brains and care more about being on the TC as long as possible than actually trying to improve the sport.
I like rhinestones, but more like a few hundred at most, not thousands of Swarovski crystals. I’m fortunate I was a gymnast when I was. The rhinestones were tasteful and my team’s leotards were cut modestly and we were able to get the size we were comfortable with. I do wish I could have competed in shorts, though.
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