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Only in the high school sense of being teenagers with different interests, fashions, friendship groups etc. That quad was very "mean girls". Chellsie, Jana, Ashley Priess were one group and Nastia, Alicia, Shayla and Sam were another. Normal teenage stuff, but with the add on of a hyper competitive, totally toxic training environment

If you'd told them back in 05 that they'd be colleagues...
Definitely not helped by some of the adults around them. There's toxic, and then there's the things that were said to the faces of some of those gymnasts that were just, wow.
I do remember that at 2011 worlds maroney and Alicia and a coach (and maybe others). Mahoney said “last night Dr. Nassau did (I’m not going to say it. You all know the stuff he did).” Alicia responded in shock “don’t say things like that about Dr Nassar.

I have a hard time believing that she would be in this position if she hasn’t acknowledged that her reaction was wrong and that this is absolutely NOT how accusations would be handled today.

Alicia was an adult at the time but barely.

There may have been other incidents but I do not remember.

@rlayt please delete if this is taking the thread off topic.
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