Egregious examples of UB spotting

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It is a very interesting contrast, watching some of the podium UBs. Some coaches grab the spring board and then walk off to go have a bathroom break or whatever while others look like they want to knock the athlete off the apparatus and do the routine themselves.
I remember when Christine Still once made a comment during one of Kyla Ross’s routines like “no coach hovering under” like she found it refreshing that a gymnast wasn’t being micromanaged on the apparatus.
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Does Alice have a spot? I think for the dismount only?
Teodora Ungureanu used to be a major offender and scuttled about under the bars when she was coaching Sabrina Vega. I remember thinking that over-spotting and running under the bars during the routine ought to be a deduction.

I can’t find the senior competitions where this happened - but it was identical to the spotting from her junior days where the Teodora ran under the bars and even put her hand on the low bar while spotting - but ironically no dismount spot

OMG she literally ran between the bars mid-routine!
Okay honestly, Teodora Ungureanu’s strategy is brilliant. She flies around distracting the judges from the routine (aka, from deductions), but then leaves the gymnast alone for the dismount so the judges can think everything is completely normal and the gymnast did it all on their own.
So on this topic, I think the rule should be the coach can not stand on the same side of the Bars as where the judges are sitting. They can block the view of the gymnast.
Eh, I don’t think he’s even a bronze medalist in this event.
A little off topic - but is Al Fong touching his chest here before her mount to tell her “chest up”?

Also - is that Alana Slater line judging??
How can you be looking at the line judge when someone is doing a beautiful front lo- double front?

You probably deducted 7 tenths off too, even though you were actually wondering whether these are extensions on Allanas hair
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LOL. That routine from Dowell is SO good. 9.3 E score from me when using a logical judging system. I don’t get why she changed her music later in the season. This was perfect for her, so powerful.

It’s annoying how the code punishes the split jump 1.25 + Popa she did. Why must a split leap be exactly 1.0 or 1.5 turns, it’s perfect to land sideways like that to go into a straddle jump. And why force everyone to do an awkward prancing leap sequence instead of a direction connection like this.

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