2024 Olympics threads (feedback/requests)

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Feb 10, 2021
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Hey all.
I will be creating the threads in the next few weeks.
I wanted feedback and any requests.

I have this so far:
Pre-Olympics chat
Podium Training mag/wag (2 threads)
No Spoilers thread with links to tv and results pages
Olympic leotards
MAG Qualifying
WAG Qualifying (3 threads likely? or 5 for each subdivision?)
EF Day 1
EF Day 2
EF Day 3

as tradition, I will set up the threads with the starting order and qualified athletes (with flags of course)

I think 1 main thread for each day. I think that threads for each subdivision is too much. Both for forum organisation, but also for the flow of discussion. People tend not to move onto the new thread for the next sub
Good feedback.
I just didn't want the threads to get toooooo long because then that is overwhelming.
I think 1 main thread for each day. I think that threads for each subdivision is too much. Both for forum organisation, but also for the flow of discussion. People tend not to move onto the new thread for the next sub
The only issue with that is that the thread can get long and unwieldy for anyone who comes in late. I don't usually have a problem with it but I know in the past people have said they are turned off by 30 page long threads.

I vote each sub and if people don't want to switch threads, we leave them behind!

Pinning the links tab to the top would be super helpful cuz I am always losing the links.

I'll revisit the 2020 threads to see what I did, I know I listed the teams competing and prominent individuals in the thread title so it was clear who was in that subdivision.

I do think SBD 2 needs a separate thread due to having USA/ITA/CHN, it should be a busy thread for that subdivision alone
Screen Shot 2024-06-14 at 4.46.59 PM.png
I think GBR, CHN, USA, ITA and BRA are the teams that are going to generate the most discussion. combining 1 and 2 and then having a 3, 4, 5 thread might be a happy medium to having individual threads.
Looks good 👍 I like one thread per sub (makes sense organisation-wise, shorter threads, easier to find what you want) and the headings with countries/notable individuals are very helpful. I’ll be in Paris so won’t be on much in real time this go around.

Thanks for doing these.

Perhaps a pointer to the “other sports” forum somewhere would be helpful? Everyone gets addicted to a new random sport during the Olympics.
I think GBR, CHN, USA, ITA and BRA are the teams that are going to generate the most discussion. combining 1 and 2 and then having a 3, 4, 5 thread might be a happy medium to having individual threads.
I agree with this. And also agree that Subdivision 2 needs its own thread. I can imagine it would get very long very quickly.
Perfect! I am going to message LSPatterson with the work plan and should begin this week since the weather is supposed to get rainy the back half of the week.
Had to take advantage of the perfect day and have a pool party with the family. Got a little sunburnt, but not too bad.
Event icons have been added back too...


I lost the old ones... so if anyone (@Denn) has those... then I can switch them out.

Just click the smilies icon to use them...

@falcon9 is there anyway to create threads but leave them in "draft" form and then set to post at a certain time? (Kind of like drafting an email but scheduling a "send time") For example, I want to send out an email to teachers, but it is "after work hours" so to avoid union issues, I schedule it to send at teacher's work time in the AM).
That way it would prevent a huge number of threads all popping up at once.

I know there is a way to schedule the thread to go from closed to open.

Just curious if there was another way to keep threads hidden until just about before the event.
Just curious if there was another way to keep threads hidden until just about before the event.

There really isn't an automated way to do that with this software. The easiest way would be to create them in the "staff" area and then move them out manually.

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