2023 Winter Cup

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Fatta’s initial KCTHS on the high bar is skank I took 0.1
Sumanasekera got a 12.9 on UB. That’s really strong for her, right?
I love Zoe Miller’s swing. Definitely a still coming back routine, but she has a gorgeous swing
Miller UB I have 7.8. Shame about the taps and the skanky dismount. On the bar it was ok.
Have they done the extra matting the corners in this way before, or am I just noticing it because of the landing out of bounds?
Rosen needs Gracie Kramer to come be her dance coach and teach her how to pull off that style.
Booth FX I have 8 0 (A2)

The back handspring before her Double Back was literally outrageous. I took a tenth.
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Have they done the extra matting the corners in this way before, or am I just noticing it because of the landing out of bounds?
I feel like she went OOB before every single pass. They only took 3 for the two feet OOB but she’s gotta watch that in the future.
Whoever Ashlee Sullivan is, she put up a pretty good beam based on the score.
She competed at the last Winter Cup then got injured right after, this is her first meet back from injury. I really liked how aggressive she was last year, I’m hoping she gets on the broadcast at some point today.
Rosen needs Gracie Kramer to come be her dance coach and teach her how to pull off that style.
USAG should send her to all of them. I love her.
They’re barely showing any fucking routines.

Is anyone watching the USAG international stream on youtube?
Hopefully they’ll replay her beam and show her floor–she looked great before her injury last year

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