2022 World Gymnastics Championships Event Finals Day 1 (Saturday 11/05)

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I always hated competing it myself. There’s just something so messed up about running full speed at a stationary object and launching youself over it. I was never even able to do a consistent handspring.
In MAG they seem to be actively trying to kill themselves. In WAG, it has only been this competition where they seem to be trying to injure themselves.
The women like to surprise us by getting hurt on what look like safe vaults.

Can’t really believe we had two near-zero faceplants from the first three vaulters.
Ellie’s front full is anemic. Little height, and that block has such a closed shoulder angle and wide leg separation
It goes against so many of our instincts! I took an adult class and couldn’t make myself do it.
I dunno - Euros was a scary vt final with the paramedics putting in a canula before they moved one of the 2 who broke bones
I was just thinking that i dont think i could watch the event if they still used the horse.
I know Black is a sentimental favorite, and Devillard’s vaults are kind of ugly, but Devillard was clearly better here. More difficulty and similar form issues.

I really wanted Yeo to pull it out though so I’m sad either way!
The way this final really might come down to how big Chiles bounces out of her vaults

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