I know exactly what you mean. I have said many times to people that this virus is truly evil. The way it seeks out your weakness and whichever organ or organ system that weakness resides in that is where it attacks you. Maybe Rafiki can try to explain the molecular mechanism of a virus which can sense your physiological weakness and attack there?? Personally I am fine. I have had one of those incredibly ahppy, lucky, good lives and if i have to deal with a little adversity its not the end of the world. But I am worried for us as a country, for the entire global community. I think we are all a little traumatized and I do not think the rush to declare the pandemic was over was helpful. The WHO just adopted a “wear a mask and social distance even if you are vaccinated” guidance and for the life of me I do not know and never will know why the CDC is persisting in going the other way. It is not helpful. Hang in there though Kittentoes. We will get through this damned thing. I think we just need to get a booster that will deal with the variants and then we will see the beginning of the real end. But we are not there yet