Jordan Chiles' mother going to prison

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He even tagged LA28. :roll_eyes:

Poor Jordan. How awful to compete at the Olympics knowing that your mom is heading to prison the same day that you win a team medal.

One uncomfortable question is did any of this money, fraudulently obtained by Gina, fund Jordan’s gymnastics expenses in any way? Anyway, how horrible to now have the press name check her daughter due to Gina’s crime just before the Games begin!
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My hunch is they won’t. It’s a potentially unpleasant narrative and throws up the issue of whether someone on the US Olympic team has had their training funded through stolen money. For a broadcaster tending to focus on telling a US audience what they want to hear, easier all round to go for the American dominance, everything is wonderful angle. Especially as they must know there’s a realistic chance of a sweep.
It is absolutely comparable. Both Simone and Jordan had their names tossed around in the news reports because of their status as athletes and Olympians because of something they didn’t do but a family member did.

You are making a lot of assumptions about Jordan, essentially calling her guilty because her mother committed a crime.

Even if Jordan did benefit from her mother’s criminal actions that doesn’t make her complicit of the crime. Plenty of children who have criminal parents do benefit but they are still innocent unless they have taken part.

Unless further evidence comes out that Jordan was involved in her mother’s deceit it is wrong to expect Jordan to be punished or to assume Jordan has what she has because of her mother’s crimes.
I don’t see where anyone is saying Jordan is guilty of any crime. What they are saying is that through her mother’s actions, she is in the media and in news stories related to a crime due to their relationship and her visibility as a named Olympian. It is what it is. The sole responsibility is on her mother. Every parent knows or should know that their behavior may affect their child. Again, it is what it is.
With this going on in the background, you’d have thought that Gina Chiles might have sought to keep a low profile during the olympic selection process…
Right? But she was very prominent. She could have turned down interview requests, she could have asked not to be spotlighted by NBC, she could have not be tweeting non-stop. It’s almost like she thought this wouldn’t come to light.
The fact that she didn’t have the good sense to lay low points to a likely personality disorder. Friendly advice - stay away from people like that.
While I agree that having a criminal for a parent does not always equate to guilty also, or even guilty by association, the guilty party has to be held accountable for the almost-always unwanted “press” that it brings to family members, friend, etc.

I think back to “College-gate” - we don’t know that the kids knew at the time what was transpiring behind the scenes, but once it all came out - they had to deal with the fall-out that ensued.

In the end it will be a bad look for all involved - the parents, Jordan, the reporter, Cecile et al.

People really need to stop and think.
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I think back to “College-gate” - we don’t know that the kids knew at the time what was transpiring behind the scenes, but once it all came out - they had to deal with the fall-out that ensued.
Well I’m pretty sure that the ones that took the photos showing them “training” their fake College “sports” must have had an inkling. Surely the potential students would also have to sign the application
Poor Jordan. Gina should have known better. First, obviously to not steal from people (I mean that literally is spelled out in the Bible and she IS a minister so one would hope she read that!) but then to continue to be such a huge public presence during trials etc. That was not necessary. Plenty of parents were much more low key/ under the radar and with prison time on the horizon you would think she would have have done that. I am not entirely sure how I feel about the article. Yes, it is news, and frankly it is “human interest” that this amazing athlete who has overcome so much is now competing with this hanging over her. BUT it is kind of tacky to take advantage of this situation and put Jordan in this position. Poor girl. 😦 It also crossed my mind to wonder if some of that cash went to pay for the gymnastics…That was a LOT of money she stole. Gymnastics is not cheap and I imagine that the training at WCC is not gratis. You get what you pay for, right? In any case I just feel so sorry for poor Jordan. What a horrible mess to deal with.
I can’t be the only one for whom it is news that Gina Chiles has had a very public presence. Anyway, all the power to her for proudly supporting her daughter at the last elite competition for which they’re together.
I don’t think anyone is suggesting she shouldn’t have been at the meet, but she didn’t need to be in the media and knowing all this would come out, there would have been much less attention on it had she not become a recognisable name, promoting her book, doing interviews etc.
And hasn’t Jessica at Gymcastic been fawning over how amazing and incredible Chiles’ mom is?
Did anyone watch the interview on the today show with the moms? I felt that they addressed this topic very tactfully and with respect.
Looks like she will not have to report to prison until after the Olympics.

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The mother of a local Olympic gymnast won’t have to watch her daughter compete in Tokyo from prison.

Jordan Chiles is from Vancouver. Her mom, Gina Chiles, was supposed to report to federal prison at the end of this month for stealing more than a million dollars, but on Wednesday a judge agreed to postpone it until the end of next month.

Jordan Chiles will compete with team USA for the overall team title on July 27, the same day Gina Chiles was supposed to report to prison.

Lawyers for Gina Chiles convinced the federal judge in Portland to delay the start of her one year prison sentence for 30 days “to support her daughter throughout the Olympics” and “give Mrs. Chiles’ daughter at least some additional time to have her mother’s emotional support and guidance during such a monumental time her young life.”

Prosecutors did not object.

Court records say Gina Chiles plead guilty after embezzling $1.2 million dollars from her clients and business partners in Portland.

Her biggest victim, Karla Pearlstein, lost $945,000. She tells KOIN 6 she is not pleased that Chiles was allowed to delay her sentence.

“I think it’s absolutely ridiculous. The courts have given her break after break. This is not the first time that they have allowed her to travel or delayed for sentencing because Jordan’s Olympic trials or whatever, but it’s a real disservice to those of us who she victimized. And, I’m not happy about it to be frank with you,” Pearlstein said.

Gina chiles is ordered to repay the money she stole.

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