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I’m slightly out of my element here. But I believe the only criteria is the 1/2 turn must clearly be seen in air, and I’d say Suni’s is…slightly. Catching in a cross grip usually goes along with turning on the bar–and thus downgraded–and though Suni’s arms are crossed, she’s got enough rotation that they uncross as she re-grasps the bar. Her arms don’t uncross as a result of regrasping–see Derwael’s. We’ve seen worse than Suni’s, re: the half turn, but we’ve also seen better
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Yes, this criteria applies to Jaegar 1/2s as well. Based on calls that have been made this year, I expect Lee to only be credited with a straddled Jaeger as currently performed.
I’m sorry if this has been answered before but would He Kexin’s(or Li Ya’s for that matter) have been credited under these rules?
Yes, this criteria applies to Jaegar 1/2s as well. Based on calls that have been made this year, I expect Lee to only be credited with a straddled Jaeger as currently performed.
Yea. Suni’s isn’t as good as that athlete who recently got the Inbar nabs named (can’t remember her name) and hers was even downgraded at the World Cup.
I’m sorry if this has been answered before but would He Kexin’s(or Li Ya’s for that matter) have been credited under these rules?
He Kexin and Becky Downie were used as examples for good execution and what would receive credit for the Jaeger 1/2 and Tkatchev 1/2 type elements.

Under the current application of the rules, I would downgrade Li Ya’s and also Liu Xian’s piked version. While both have initiated the turn before regrasp, if you look at the alignment of their bodies as a whole relative to the bar, they are still nearly completely straight. If a gymnast is unable to catch with the body rotated at least 90 degrees, I think she is at high risk of a downgrade.
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The irony is that Grace’s composition on beam was fantastic in 2019, except for the Leap-Spin connection. With the following minor tweaks she would have had a great set:

Candle Mount
Triple Wolf
Double Wolf
Split Jump 1/2
Aerial LOSO LOSO 0.4
Front Aerial - Split - Straddle 0.2
Double Back

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The two wolf turns were very helpful in her routine construction. I also don’t know why she does a dance series that is hard to pay off. Wevers did turn + leap combo, but she did have a legit backup series if she knew it didn’t work. Jones did that dance series multiple times and mostly wasn’t credited in domestic competition.
I agree that Suni’s attempt should only be credited as a straddled Jaeger… which would not be disastrous as long as she isn’t doing a straddled jaeger elsewhere in her routine… but I do take issue with the fact that the WTC just decided to pretend like all these skills were something that they are not, which is 1/2 turning tkatchev variations. In my mind they should have either:
  1. rejected all of these as eponymous skills if they were gonna say a cross-grip catch isn’t valid
  2. accept them as eponymous skills with cross-grip catch, and probably just give them the same D value as their normal grip counterparts
But I find it deeply unsatisfying that the Code is now pretending that a skill like the “Black”, for example, involves a 1/2 turn in the air when its actual inventor catches it like this:
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Out of the spate of new variations I think Sanne Wevers is the only one I’ve seen with some real claim to a mid-air 1/2 turn, and even so hers is still iffy. Like… the turn is still not complete though does seem different in substance than every one else’s version.


He Kexin’s jaeger variation always struck me as a pretty legit 1/2 turn in the air, and I guess Sanne is not that far off in terms of twist completion.
Both of those examples show true initiation of the turn. And both of those examples show that a straddled release is the only way to do it without turning on the bar and without a 0.3 deduction!

Have we ever seen a piked or lay release, with true half turn, that wouldn’t get a 0.3?
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