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I don’t see a difference in her appearance, so I was curious what Doug is seeing. The ellipsis’ in Doug’s post make me feel like he’s implying something that I’m not picking up, but I’m not great at reading tone.
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Maybe it’s the video. She looks (much) thinner. To me.

She’s training a gainer double full beam dismount. Not sure if she’s playing or not.

in the gainer video she does. which is why i’m thinking the LOSO mount video might be adjusted somehow
I must say, I really enjoy his little videos. I see them on YouTube or Facebook, as I am not 12 and don’t use Tik Tok. 😛
If whoever was recording used 0.5 zoom one time and 1.0 zoom the next, it could look wildly different depending on how close they are to her.
Comeback alert:

She barely gets the pike around, but sure, let’s make it a Cheng.
Hope she doesn’t injure herself, but Romania’s trackrecord is not very pretty.
That is pretty and might actually score better than her DTY, but it also gives her 2 vaults.
It really is and she’s going to injure herself badly - I mean at Euros she had scrappy DTY/ Piked Omelianchik so I see little prospect of Amanar/Cheng given that she struggles to get the existing vaults around

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