Gymcastic. Thoughts?

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I don’t understand why a well known gymnastics media operation wouldn’t just contact Konnor or her gym and ask for a statement or clarification in relation to recent social media posts?
Exactly and that’s what I meant by journalistic integrity and verifying rumors and clarifying cryptic social media posts. She can’t just make inferences from a teenager’s TikTok and run with it as if it’s fact.
And with all the Gabby rumors, has anyone actually gone and asked her if she wanted to comment on it yet? Or is it still some parent of another gymnast saw her walking into the building kind of thing?
I’m going to defend Gymcastic a little bit here. First, the so-called offense that was committed is really trivial. It was an off-hand comment in discussing who was potentially going to make worlds roster and then some side-rail discussion on Gabby. They didn’t advertise or publicize the podcast episode as “Konnor quits elite”, it was a little blurb in the stream of conversation. I certainly have heard worse that would merit apologies. Second, have you read and saw what Konnor posted initially? I mean any rational adult in viewing that would have serious questions about her desire to compete elite gymnastics, at least in the immediate future. Perhaps a 16-18 might better understand the nuance in the posts, but it is not irrational for the average person to infer she doesn’t want to do elite anymore. Which leads me to my third point, Konnor is not innocent here, certainly someone her age and obviously immersed in the world of social media understands the impact and reverberations of posts coming from someone of her visibility. So don’t act so shocked and offended after you post what you did that people draw those conclusions. Finally is gymcastic really an official media source? Its just a podcast, like hundreds of thousands of folks do, gathering around a virtual table, talking about a subject of interest. Yes, because of its popularity it has provided them with access that the average listener doesn’t have, but its just slightly different from a message board. We all come here to speculate on various topics, in most cases we are far removed from the source. It all feels kinda pot calling the kettle black type thing.
I agree with the majority of what you said. My only counter is that Jessica is often one to hype and promote this whole “athlete centered” ideology to the Nth degree, even when it isn’t rational or logical. She bases her whole schtik on it. She loves the twitter drama and gossip, and always jumps on whatever social media cancel bandwagon there is going.

So she now can’t complain if she gets burnt by the same fire.

And Gymcastic is becoming a more mainstream media source for gymnastics related. They certainly were “just a podcast”, but now they regularly get credentialed just as BBC might. At smaller meets, they’re often the only media there!
I guess, I am drawing the distinction that it was more an off-hand comment than some topic of conversation during the podcast. Yes, I agree, that Jessica is always the athlete centric one, so I guess thats why the scorn/hypocrisy shade thrown at her. I just dont really see the malice in what she said that some folks seem to imply.
It’s not just this thing about Konnor but like Doug is pointing out it isn’t very athlete-centric when that’s something you claim to be about. They could have tried to talk to her or her camp about it. Konnor venting about her difficulties doesn’t mean she’s quitting and reporting her coaches to Safesport was too far to go.

They’ve done some great things like videos from podium training. Spencer’s quick hits for another. But doing good things never earns you a pass on your mistakes. I feel like “the number one podcast” could do better.

ETA: Jessica is careless with her words but not malicious but she’s still responsible for them.
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reporting her coaches to Safesport was too far to go.
This is the classic twitter crazy bandwagon that Jess knows she will start when she makes silly comments on her podcast, but makes them anyway.

Not that she’s at all responsible for the insanity of the twitter crowd. But she could at least moderate herself a little better.
I see your point, I dont really agree. Not that they haven’t been hypocritical in other areas. It literally was like two sentences. If they devoted a whole segment to talking about Konnor and speculating her quitting I would agree. But like I said, I understand your point. Just going to disagree on this one.
have you read and saw what Konnor posted initially?
I actually haven’t because I’ma. dinosaur that’s only on Twitter, plus I don’t follow gymnasts. Can you share it?
That’s fine. I think we can both agree that she should be more careful with what she says. She shouldn’t be so definitive if it wasn’t something 100% confirmed. She knows what happens when she drops a nugget into the twitter fishbowl.
If there is any factual basis for it, a multiple Olympic gold medallist returning to training in any sport is going to have to go to some effort to keep the press from finding out, I think that’s just part of a being a public figure, providing there is actually some basis for the story.

The biggest problem with the McClain story is that it sounds like it’s completely made up. Yes she could probably do with some advice on her use of social media and should know that once it’s up there you can’t prevent people discussing it, but as far as I understand it she hasn’t actually said she’s retired at any point, Gymcastic have made that leap. That’s a big statement to make without any solid evidence. It’s one thing for randos on the internet to speculate about it, but for a (in their view) supposedly reputable journalist to state it as fact is quite another.
I dont have the technical aptitude to find and post what started this, my daughter showed it to me, so going from memory, but basically it was a couple posts, one where she had like alternating pictures of her in all color LSU leo/gear saying this is my happy gymnastics and the alternate picture was all black and white in elite gear saying this is sad gymnastics and I dont like it. And then another posts along the lines of hating coaches in elite and they are pushing her too hard and she doesnt like gymnastics anymore because of them.
Konnor’s words didn’t merit the overall reaction plus she’s a teen. Teens are overly dramatic. I saw the stuff your daughter pointed out and days ago posted a screen shot. It wasn’t worthy of reports to Safesport. Jessica magnified it by mentioning it. Anyone adult who claims to be media has a higher degree of responsibility for their words than a teen on TikTok.
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See this I dont buy, she is not some 12 yo doing silly tik toks, she is a soon to be 18 yo who has travelled extensively, been featured prominently on national shows, was one of the subjects in a documentary, has done national interviews with various media outlets. This is not some innocent child in some basement in Nebraska. Dont pull the oh she’s a teen card to excuse what she posted. It certainly seemed like a cry for help. I would rather folks err on the side of caution than come to find some tragedy that she harmed herself. Assuming its just kids being kids can be a dangerous game.
If a teen posted a tiktok about a bomb at school, people would respond.
There are some types of people who like vague-posting (vaguebooking on facebook) because it gets them some extra attention. “Sometimes life sucks”" is going to get different interactions than “I stubbed my toe and it hurt”. I’m not saying Konor is that kind of person more than any teenager but I have definitely had that kind of friend who just wanted “Oh what happened??!” “Poor (person)! I’m here if you need me!” posts from their friends and followers. the dopamine hit is better or something.

But i stopped interacting with the friend who constantly does that because it does feel like crying wolf. Konor vague venting in public will either get the interactions she is looking for and she’ll keep doing it or will teach her not to in the future if the interactions are not what she wants. Part of growing up.
I don’t follow any gymnasts on socials that I haven’t personally met. I def don’t follow the children. I wish them the best and hope they’re well taken care of, but their lives outside of competition and training are none of my business.

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