FIG 2022-2024 Code Of Points

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I get the sense watching the transition from Sydney to Athens that this may have started in earlier quads.
When the base score kept dropping (it was 8.8 in Athens, iirc), gymnasts had to find ways to rack up the bonus points through difficulty and/or connections. Leap series became one avenue for doing that.
This could be fixed by requiring a 3+ element sequence of leaps, rolls, spins, flairs, turns, jumps and hops; no requirement for difficulty, but perhaps evaluated on a 0.0 to 0.5 scale for originality, virtuosity, extension.

To replace the “leap series” CR on beam and floor. Almost like the WAG equivalent of a step sequence.

Gymnasts will still do leaps etc for DV. Especially as there’s a cap on 5 acro counting towards the 8. The existing “series” CR on both beam and floor is superfluous IMO. I don’t think anyone really cares whether or not two C leaps are connected on floor by a run in between.

It’s not the same as the requirement for an acro series on beam, which is really needed to stop a routine full of D aerials. All elites can connect two A jumps on beam if they want to. Let’s make each routine create something creative and original for bonus.
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My only issue with original is when it becomes overdone. Oh hai candle mounts, didn’t see you there…
Well surely “original” means not many others are doing it! Encourages you to update it each year!
Kind of like the choreographic sequence they use in skating. I like it!
How do you guys feel about a cap of 3 acro lines?

And/or putting Double Tuck/Pike and Full In Tuck/Pike in the same box.
I would say yes but also something like, 4 acro elements must count. I have no patience for 4 turn or leap routines,
3 acro lines, including one line where 2 acro elements must count.
I am ok with a max of 4 acro lines but I wish there was still a difficulty composition component to the COP(or whatever it was called) . I’m tired of seeing a routine like a double double, double layout and then a double back or pike. They don’t seem to go together as they are so much easier than the rest. I wouldn’t mind if a double pike and tuck were in the same box though so you could do either but not both
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Seems like this shunts everyone toward C+C or C indirect D or higher options at the expense of E+A. I’d like to keep whip-triple and double Arabian punch front as sensible options.
perhaps if we somehow added a 0.1 bonus if the connection either changes direction of motion, or is a double salto, it would encourage more interesting connections.

So Double back punch front would get 0.2, and whip full in would get 0.3

I think the dance bonus for leaping out of a skill should be nixxed. You get enough reward for not getting a landing deduction (if you do it right).
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I’d love to see connections with 3+ skills encouraged. I wouldn’t mind C x3 getting +0.2.
Izbasa did this in 2006 but i think that’s the only one we’ve seen?

It would be c-c-b now but she could do a tucked rudi instead, i mean, she was doing it from a 2.5
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That’s too specific. Requiring a 3+ element series will, once again, make all routines look the same in some way.

The better way is to say “Use 5 dance or acrobatic skills through the exercise for artistic effect. These skills can be all separate or combined into series of up to 4 elements. Credit is for up to an E element, one letter higher for each skill that the D-panel judges to fit the expectations. An athlete is encouraged to use 6 or 7 to ensure that she gets full credit.”

Note, this would replace one element, preferably the dance element. And it would work on beam as well. Bs could theoretically count for two letters.

I actually proposed this to Nelli Kim a while back. We emailed back and forth a couple times, and she planned to share the ideas with the Technical Committee, but I don’t know if they ever got there.
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I like this suggestion since you could get more combo permutations when you include A acro skills.
To be honest, we have come a long way in the last few Codes. Seeing these three routines, back to back, with essentially the same E Score, almost made my blood boil!

E 8.133

E 8.200

E 8.066

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