Personally, I would cut Alice. Odine has a great DTY and I’m sure Jen will have hers back by Worlds.
I think a good line up would be:

(GMF/Becky) Odine, Jessica, Jennifer

both in prelims) Odine, GMF (TF only), Becky

(Jennifer) Jessica, GMF, Odine

(GMF/Becky) Odine Jennifer Jessica
In prelims, Jen, Jess and Odine do AA. The fourth in the line up is awkward - obviously Becky bars, GMF beam (take the Memmel out), probably GMF on vault (she had a DTY last year). Personally, I’d put Becky on floor as GMF is a liability.
Just realised that you have a really weird situation where you can only put 4 up on bars in prelims. Obviously both Gadirovas will need to do bars in prelims for AA qualification. Becky too, obviously. Then you have to pick only one between GMF and Odine - but you’ll probably want them both doing it in TF. Might have a weird Maggie Nichols type situation where one of them sits out bars in prelims but then competes in TF. If you’re going on “who is the best AAer” then its Odine - but that sucks for GMF because she’s technically much better than Odine on bars, and she might have a
long shot to make the bars final if she hits.
GB might have to literally sit out their No.2 bar worker for prelims, and then have GMF come in on TF and hit a cold set.
Also, based on the above, Becky is in quite a precarious situation. She’s only really on the team for a bar routine. Yes her other routines are nice in a pinch but she’s unlikely to be put up in AA unless she can somehow learn a DTY between now and Worlds.