British WAG (and MAG!) talk

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Scores AND video, apparently. (video on BG YouTube channel, scores on BG website).
BG said they’d release the MAG scores as well.

An American friend asked me why they don’t make a big deal about trials in the UK. They said that in the US there’s a solid month of trials for many of the sports on TV, it’s a big part of hyping up the Games. I didn’t have a good answer. I know that the athletics selection event (top two and one gets chosen later by committee) is usually on the beeb, but know nothing about other sports. Lack of interest? Too much Wimbledon and football on at the same time? Too expensive to cover all the events? Federations not wanting them broadcast? Few sports having a specific “trials”?Even my extremely unsporty husband thought it was weird that gymnastics trial scores would not be public.
Excellent. I’m gonna set up a wwgym spreadsheet tan for Brotish trials. Let me know if anyone (other than the usual suspects) wanna join in.

Gonna do Chinese nationals EF too !
If anyone wants to play with the British Trials videos and scores tomorrow:

Ok I just requested this one too lmao, my b for inundating you

Edit: I have access now, thanks again 😛
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Whichever 2/3 of the frontrunners who don’t make it to the olympics should definitely be considered for worlds if they are performing well enough by then.
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Interesting… Ondine apparently won the final trial, according to her gym

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She’s been around a while, was at Junior Euros in 2018 (Team bronze) and took BB silver in Melbourne World Cup last year. I definitely would not have put her ahead of the Gadirova twins, Alice or Amelie though, so I wonder if Amelie and Jessica didn’t compete AA? They didn’t really have any need to. Hopefully we’ll find out soon enough.
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