British WAG (and MAG!) talk

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At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they both decided to call it quits this is a lot to deal with in a year.
I think that every process should have the ability to be amended if the circumstances warrant it - or at least, a well-thought out and written one would. What would happen if GBR had been in an even more severe lock-down and not even elite athletes had been able to train properly. Surely they would amend the document to make some intelligent concessions.

What I mean is that if you compete this weekend, you have the option to retain your results. But if the Downies are given an opportunity to trial in three weeks, the option should be given to all athletes.

I think for me, the biggest issue is having someone on a selection committee who is clearly in a conflict-of-interest situation.

In my profession, I deal with conflict COI more often than I would like to. There are three types of COI:

REAL - Where the decision-maker has a significant interest in the outcome of the decision.

POTENTIAL - Where the decision-maker could have a personal interest in the outcome of the decision if

PERCEIVED - Where the decision-maker seems to have an interest in the outcome of the decision.

If I were any coach/athlete pairing in this situation I would appeal the decision simply based on the COI. If nothing else, it would open peoples eyes to the perception of the situation.
I don’t think Alice and Amelie will see it as at all unfair. They are decent people and the situation is horrendous.

The anguish of waiting for the team announcement is nothing compared to the anguish of losing a brother is it?

But it certainly puts Park Wrekin’s little stunt with the scores into perspective doesn’t it.

There isn’t a gymnast I don’t like in the running here and to me the team is easy if all fit and ready.

Jess, Becky, Jen, Ellie, Amelie, Alice.

If anyone isn’t fit and ready just drop down the line.
You mean say “two alternates will be chosen in due course” or something like that?

That’s a fudge I kinda like.

I don’t know if the British Olympic committee would allow it though.
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Nothing. So they shouldn’t choose the team within the next three days. If they do, the bad level of bad publicity they’re risking would make the DM article upthread look like hagiography.
The six person squad with alternates to be picked later was something that I was favouring as we were discussing how early this decision process was. That kind of thing has been taken to extremes in the US system and I usually don’t like stringing things out (I’m in the Chellsie and Alicia should have been named at trials camp), but there are good arguments for a delay here. This weekend we needed to know how Jennifer’s injury has impacted her and whether both Downie’s could compete at a level high enough to contribute. The selectors will only get an answer to one of those questions now.

As others have said, we don’t know how much flexibility there is in that document I posted way upthread. Will the BOA let them change things given extenuating circumstances? Can they change the procedures if they get agreement of all coaches and gymnasts? Is that putting undue pressure on gymnasts to agree to something (that isn’t to their own advantage) because of a horrible and unprecedented situation to one of their team? In 2015 I feel like that would have been a no-brainer but BG have to worry about that kind of peer-pressure looking terrible.

I think it would be less controversial to name them with some kind of performance/score target to meet by the end of May and replace them with alternates if they don’t meet it. Less controversial than not naming them and not making further accommodations I mean. That’s awfully rough on the alternates though. I suppose the other option would be to name them with no conditions based on past performance and recent training records. Is that a direct invitation for appeals?

It’s a mess. It wouldn’t be believable on Make it or Break it.
I thought about a score target thing. Basically saying “show me a routine scoring X by X date and you’re on the team” type thing.

But that might look like it’s pressuring the Downies to compete while they’re still grieving.
Can you imagine if you’re Amelie and you’ve consistently hit 53s AA on podium and adhered to all the stated selection criteria, only to be replaced by an athlete based on their performance two years ago and who only attended two Trials and who consistently scored 11s on bars and beam.

Of course you’d appeal.
Yep. At the very least her coach should appeal.

FrolovasDoubleLayout - for your suggestion would the extra trial take the place of your scores from this weekend or be an additional datapoint?
I don’t think all the other athletes should be made to Trial again.
It might also be perceived as favouritism since, as far as we know, no one else would have been given defined targets. Though I expect they could argue that they’ve earned that benefit of the doubt as world medallists. Ugh there’s no good solution. I’ve been arguing all sides with myself all weekend.

It would also be a lot of pressure on the judges. I have been thinking about judging scenarios if Doha goes ahead and Mori/Ferrari both make floor finals. If both hit then scoring the second Italian will be the rare situation where one score decides who goes to an Olympics.
I’m pretty sure Amelie should be going. My gut feeling is she will move ahead of Jen or Ellie. If neither of those are ready then Alice also. Simples. They need to just wait a couple of weeks due to the situation. I don’t think anyone should have to retrial unless they want to. If they opt to retrial for better scores fair enough.
Some of the gymnasts have posted pictures on social media, if that counts.
Yeah I’d think if it was from today it does. I had wondered if they might decide to postpone the final competition.
The Jen situation is interesting. We need to see the scores. I understand they’ll be released by BG tomorrow.
For me, as I stated, every athlete should be given the opportunity to do another 'trial". It would give anyone who didn’t perform well this weekend another opportunity to show (and we know that three or four weeks can make a big difference in preparation) and it can (should they choose) give those who already showed well a chance to show consistency or even improve also.

I’m not understanding the need to name a final team two months out. Why cannot they not name a final training squad of six gymnasts and then name the final four plus the “travelling” alternate and the “stay at home” alternate prior to departure.
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