Brazilian nationals August 11-14

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Some vídeos of PT on @saluasampaio insta account
Jade wont compete. It makes me Wonder wheter she will make it to the worlds team.

Flávia back with whip full in
Rebeca keeps her front full step out

I hope she does a two pass floor routine.
I didn’t think she was doing floor this year.
2 passes. Front full step out to double tuck and double pike with some perfect dance and leaps and she is good to go for Worlds.
Andrade is doing way too much on floor and its not necessary.
A front full stepout to back layout and a double layout are really all she needs. The 4th tumbling line (double pike) is completely unnecessary.
I just hope she doesn’t reinjure herself.

But this bodes well for her AA chances at Worlds.
Andrade is doing way too much on floor and its not necessary.
A front full stepout to back layout and a double layout are really all she needs. The 4th tumbling line (double pike) is completely unnecessary.
I just hope she doesn’t reinjure herself.

But this bodes well for her AA chances at Worlds.
Does this mean she’s gonna do AA at Worlds??
It’s unclear at this point. But makes me think so if she’s doing a routine now at Nationals. They might put her up in TQ but not TF. The team is weak on floor so IDK. Depends on Barbie’s and Fidelis and if either are injury free and able to compete.

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