2024 Olympics: Judge This Routine (Breaking Down the Deductions/Compiling Start Value)

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Feb 10, 2021
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Want to have a gymnast's routine rejudged by Gymnaverse crew? Have questions about D score? Think E score is too high or to low?

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people score GIF by South Park
I'd be curious to see the panel compare Jordan's and Jade's beam routines from podium training. I definitely felt like Jade was cleaner and her dance elements had improved.
This head-on angle is a tough view to judge beam.

Given that, I have them both at 8.0, and I maybe was lenient because of the angle. Both of them landed dismounts low and took good-sized steps. I also think they will likely get similar artistry / apparatus deductions. Carey's leg form is better than Chiles', but her leap series has deductions for the split positions. Chiles has better rhythm and a little more style, but Carey doesn't have the little balance checks like Chiles did.

I suspect that, from side view, I might find more issues with Chiles' split positions, for example.
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I had Jordan 7.7 and Jade 7.4 . But that's a Tokyo pen.

We really don't know what Pen they're going to use until we start seeing scores in Sub 1. The difference between a Liverpool and a Tokyo Pen can be huge - especially when there are a lot of body shape issues where the 0.1 v. 0.3 "choice" can rack up across 3 or 4 dance elements.
In a completely unrelated comment - and this is more a critique of the CoP more than a critique of a routine - I cannot believe that a Yurchenko 1/2 on Pike Barani is a 4.2, and a Layout Barani is a 4.8.

The "pike v' layout" question should not be worth 0.6. It just simply shouldn't.

Outrageous that this was a 0.6 downgrade. Yes there was a tiny bit of pike but c'mon. Give her layout and take 0.3.
Can someone find Sabrina Voinea’s floor?

I had 6.8 E and I was being GENEROUS. I could have gotten that down to a 6.5 and it wouldn’t have even been harsh.

FIG: 7.600

Just a couple tenths lower than Suni.

Can someone else judge it too so I’m not going mad?
Hezly's beam.

I'm really trying to figure out how she got such a low score cuz I thought since she didn't come off and her hands didn't touch on that sort of fall it shouldn't be that much? Idk really. Just confused.
Hezly went over time (.01 nd) and she also got a .5 deduction for falling on beam.
She had a deduction when she balked her first leap series.
I don't know if she was credited with a leap series as all since her knee hit the beam which stopped her from falling.
Her dismount was about .8 deductions.
7.133 was correct IMO as I had her at 7.0.
Poor Shallon's vault. The Cheng. I can't find the video but someone posted a still so it might be out there in the X-itter.
Quick note on Suni's D Score on Beam:

From a potential of 6.7 D Score, here are the modifications / errors that led to the 6.0 D Score in qualifications:


1. Counting Layout Stepout in place of Layout Stepout Mount (E -> C), -0.2 DV
2. Mitchell downgraded to a double turn in tuck stand because the free leg touched the beam before the third rotation was fully completed (E -> D), -0.1 DV

Total DV Los - 0.3


1. Loss of 0.1 CV for the aerial + split jump connection due to the balance check on the aerial
2. Loss of 0.1 SB for the aerial + split jump + back handspring stepout series
3. Loss of 0.1 CV for the layout stepout + layout stepout connection due to only performing a single layout stepout
4. Loss of 0.1 SB for the side aerial + layout stepout + layout stepout series

Total CV / SB Lost - 0.4

Total D Score Lost - 0.7
Hezly went over time (.01 nd) and she also got a .5 deduction for falling on beam.
She had a deduction when she balked her first leap series.
I don't know if she was credited with a leap series as all since her knee hit the beam which stopped her from falling.
Her dismount was about .8 deductions.
7.133 was correct IMO as I had her at 7.0.
That makes a lot more sense!
So, not sure how videos of individual routines will be posted, but somehow NothingButCrap got the judges view, side camera for the UB. Guess peacock drew the short straw. Unfortunately, that won't help with lots of the other gymnasts cuz for US primetime, almost no one exists but USA.
Hezly's beam.

I'm really trying to figure out how she got such a low score cuz I thought since she didn't come off and her hands didn't touch on that sort of fall it shouldn't be that much? Idk really. Just confused.

Here is my full script of Rivera's beam routine from qualifications:

D Score

DV - Acro

1. Side Aerial, D
2. Layout Stepout, C
3. Aerial, D
4. Double Pike Dismount, E

Total Acro DV - 1.6

DV - Gymnastic

1. Double Turn in Tuck Stand, D
2. Switch Leap, C
3. Switch Leap 1/2, D
4. Switch Ring Leap, E

Total Dance DV - 1.6


C + C Dance

1. Switch leap + Switch leap ½, 0.1

D + B Mixed

1. Switch Leap ½ + Korbut, 0.1
1. Aerial + Split Jump, 0.1

Series Bonus

1. Switch leap + Switch leap ½ + Korbut, 0.1
2. Aerial + Split Jump + Straddle Jump, 0.1
3. Back Handspring Stepout + Back Handspring to Two feet + Double Pike, 0.1

Total CV / SB - 0.6

Dismount Bonus

Double Pike, E

Dismount Bonus - 0.2


1. Connection of at least two different dance elements, 1 with 180 degree split (Switch leap + Switch leap ½) ^
2. Turn (Double Turn in Tuck Stand)
3. Acro series of two flight elements, one salto (Back Handspring stepout + Layout Stepout)
4. Acro elements in different directions (Back Handspring Stepout, Aerial)

Total from CR - 2.0

^ Because she landed the straddle jump feet first, the straddle jump is recognized and the dance CR is fulfilled.

D Score - 3.2 + 0.6 + 0.2 + 2.0 -> 6.0

Elements or Connections Not Credited and Modifications to Planned Routine

1. Switch Leap + Switch Leap ½
a. Pause following switch leap / Did not attempt connection (-0.1 CV)

2. Switch leap ½ + Korbut
a. Balance check on switch leap ½ / Did not attempt Korbut (-0.1 CV)

3. Switch Leap + Switch Leap ½ + Korbut
a. Did not attempt series (-0.1 SB)

4. Aerial + Split Jump + Straddle Jump
a. Touched beam with leg on straddle jump (-0.1 SB)

Credited D Score - 3.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 2.0 -> 5.6

E Score

Potential Execution Deductions

1. Side Aerial
a. Medium balance adjustment / Small movement of leg and torso adjustments (0.3)

2. Layout Stepout
a. Medium balance adjustment / Lifted leg off beam above horizontal, slight torso adjustments (0.5)

3. Adjustment (Following Switch Leap)
a. Unnecessary step / Movement with minimal choreography (0.1)

4. Switch Leap ½
a. Body shape / Insufficient split (0.1)
a. Medium balance adjustment / Lifted leg off beam and leaning of torso (0.3)

5. Aerial + Split Jump
a. Poor rhythm of connection (0.1)

6. Straddle Jump
a. Body shape / Legs at but not above horizontal (0.1)
b. Grasp of beam to avoid fall (0.5)

7. Switch Ring Leap
a. Body shape / Foot at head height (0.1)

8. Double Pike Dismount
a. Insufficient height (0.1)
b. Body posture / Chest at knee level (0.3)
c. Large step on landing / greater than shoulder width (0.3)

Total Deductions - 2.8

Potential Artistry Deductions

1. Insufficient involvement of the body parts (0.1)
2. Insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo in movements (0.1)

Total Artistry Deductions - 0.2

E Score - 7.0

Neutral Deductions

Overtime (0.1)

Total Neutral Deductions - 0.1

Total Score: 5.6 + 7.0 - 0.1 ND = 12.5 (Actual - 5.6 + 7.133 - 0.1 ND = 12.633)
Jordan Chiles - Uneven Bars, Qualifications

D Score


1. Van Leeuwen, E
2. Piked Jaeger, D
3. Toe-on Full, D
4. Piked Tkatchev, E
5. Pak Salto, D
6. Maloney, D
7. Gienger, D
8. Full Twisting Double Tuck Dismount, D

Total DV - 3.4


D + D, Both with Turn or Flight

1. Toe-on Full + Piked Tkatchev, 0.1
2. Piked Tkatchev + Pak Salto, 0.1

D Flight from Low Bar to High Bar + C on High Bar with Turn or Flight

1. Maloney + Gienger, 0.2

Total CV - 0.4

Dismount Bonus

Full Twisting Double Tuck, D -> 0.2


1. Flight from high bar to low bar (Pak Salto)
2. Flight element on same bar (Piked Jaeger)
3. Different grips (Giant to Blind Change, Piked Jaeger)
4. Non-flight element with 360 turn (Toe-on Full)

Total CR - 2.0

D Score - 3.4 + 0.4 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.0

Elements of Connections Not Credited

- None

Credited D Score - 3.4 + 0.4 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.0

E Score

Potential Deductions

1. Glide Kip
a. Insufficient extension in kips (0.1)

2. Cast to Handstand with Legs Straddled
a. Body alignment in casts / Piked Hips (0.1)

3. Van Leeuwen
a. Leg separation (0.1)

4. Cast to Handstand with Legs Straddled
a. Body alignment in casts / Piked Hips (0.1)

5. Piked Jaeger
a. Flexed feet (0.1)
b. Bent arms upon regrasp (0.1)

6. Toe-on Full
a. Angle of completion / Between 11 and 30 degrees past handstand (0.1)

7. Piked Tkatchev
a. Bent knees (0.1)
b. Flexed feet (0.1)

8. Maloney
a. Leg separation (0.1)

9. Gienger
a. Insufficient height / Hips at bar height upon regrasp (0.1)
b. Lack of precision / Not square to bar upon regrasp (0.1)
c. Bent arms upon regrasp (0.1)

10. Cast to Handstand with Legs Straddled
a. Body alignment in casts / Piked Hips (0.1)

11. Full Twisting Double Tuck Dismount
a. Flexed feet (0.1)
b. Leg separation (0.1)
c. Step on landing (0.1)

Total Deductions - 1.7

E Score - 8.30

Total Score - 6.00 + 8.30 = 14.30 (Actual - 6.0 + 8.266 = 14.266)
I get to 8.3 as well, but very differently. Click to see the video (cued up)

kip + cast HS — I feel the kip is fully extended; slight pike in HS .1
van Leeuwen — leg separation .1, bend .1
kip + cast HS — grip adjustment .1
giant blind
kip + cast HS
toe full — within 30° past hs 0.1
piked tkatchev - leg separation .1
I really don't see a deductible leg bend and the feet are fine for a Tkatchev, I feel.
Pak – bent arms .1, maybe leg form, but I am not sure
Maloney — leg separation .1
Geinger — height/distance .1 / bent arm recatch .1
(not fair to be harsher — it's between the bars)
kip cast HS — slight pike in HS, grip adjustment .1
dismount — feet .1, flung out .1, leg sep .1, step .3

E-score: 8.3
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Can we do a comparative Carey vs Andrade DTY? You know, cause we haven't had reasons for outrage lately

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