2022 Commonwealth Games

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Only 12.45 for Fragapane, so no finals for her. I don’t think she got her full D score, but it was a barnstormer of a routine.
Kate McDonald actually looked like she was having a shit during that wolf turn. I cannot believe she gained more than she lost from doing it.
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Canada need 11.7 average on VT to pass South Africa. Easily doable.
I’m not sure about Wales, but I think it will be harder on FX.
Wales are all over the place on floor, I think this is going to be SA in 4th. The routines are pretty but they’re splatting.

@Doug1233 DLO, front full, double pike. Ill chosen dance elements. She didn’t get anywhere near the triple spin.
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England didn’t count any scores from Simm or Fragapane, in the end. Just the AA from the other three. Shows how big the gulf between the A team and the rest is at the moment, although I do think Fragapane going first on beam and staying on was quite useful. There’s a lot to be said for getting a non-disastrous beam score under your belt to get things going.
Curious: had one of the teams in a lower subdivision got on the podium unexpectedly, how long would it take for them to get to the arena? Or do they hang around just in case?
Shamelessly ripped from BBS:

Team Final:
  1. England – 161.100
  2. Australia – 158.000
  3. Canada – 152.700
  4. South Africa – 147.750
  5. Wales – 147.050
  6. Scotland – 14.6500
  7. Singapore – 134.750
  8. Sri Lanka – 116.900
AA qualifiers:
  1. Alice Kinsella ENG
  2. Ondine Achampong ENG
  3. Georgia Godwin AUS
  4. Emma Spence CAN
  5. Shannon Archer SCO
  6. Laurie Denommee CAN
  7. Emily Whitehead AUS
  8. Caitlin Rooskrantz RSA
  9. Poppy Stickler WAL
  10. Naveen Daries RSA
  11. Jea Maracha WAL
  12. Cara Kennedy SCO
  13. Ruthuja Nataraj IND
  14. Milka Gehani SRI
  15. Nadine Joy Nathan SGP
  16. Emma Yap SGP
  17. Tatiana Bachurina CYP
  18. Tara Donnelly IOM
Vault qualifiers:
  1. Shannon Archer SCO
  2. Laurie Denommee CAN
  3. Pranati Nayak IND
  4. Georgia Godwin AUS
  5. Emily Whitehead AUS
  6. Emma Spence CAN
  7. Naveen Daries RSA
  8. Cara Kennedy SCO
Bars qualifiers:
  1. Georgia Mae Fenton ENG
  2. Ondine Achampong ENG
  3. Georgia Godwin AUS
  4. Kate McDonald AUS
  5. Caitlin Rooskrantz RSA
  6. Jenna Lalonde CAN
  7. Emma Spence CAN
  8. Shannon Archer SCO
Beam qualifiers:
  1. Georgia Godwin AUS
  2. Alice Kinsella ENG
  3. Georgia Mae Fenton ENG
  4. Kate McDonald AUS
  5. Jea Maracha WAL
  6. Sofia Micallef WAL
  7. Emma Spence CAN
  8. Shante Koti RSA
Floor qualifiers:
  1. Alice Kinsella ENG
  2. Cassie Lee CAN
  3. Emma Spence CAN
  4. Emily Whitehead AUS
  5. Romi Brown AUS
  6. Poppy Stickler WAL
  7. Naveen Daries RSA
  8. Ondine Achampong ENG
GBR are going to be in the very unusual position of having to leave potential finalists off their beam line up at Euros.
what were the top AA scores? be interesting to compare them with classics scores tonight
Another brilliant day. While RSA couldn’t quite do what CYP did yesterday, they were my highlight of the competition and I’m so chuffed they managed 4th. Their floor routines were excellent and at the time I said I didn’t think their performance quality would be beaten. Having now seen everyone I think I have to take that back because CAN at least matched them. The Canadians were all new to me and it was good to get to know them. Spence had some lovely beam choreography and I enjoyed her floor. Was also pleased to see her vault well because she ran through multiple times in podium training.

Fragapane was very emotional after FX. It was bit of a mystery as to where she was at so I was looking forward to her routines. Good to see her back but her gymnastics is not for this COP (she would probably have done well in 2006) and her E score was rightfully slaughtered. She had a full twisting pike jump on beam and floor, wonder if she has her eye on that double twisting pike jump abomination that turned up in the COP? It was lovely to see Kinsella so happy and able to attempt to defend her beam title. Though her DTY has some split legs, it looked like she was finishing the twist earlier than ever. It’s been fun seeing her improve that vault over the years.

I’m tired and its another early start tomorrow (honestly MAG AA at 0900 is ridiculous) but honourable mentions to Singapore’s non-cowboyed double tucks and lovely leotard. Dishonourable mention to the FIG for the UB height nonsense, awful.

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