I hope I don’t offend anyone – I haven’t posted on a gym board in years. Here are my observations and wonderings. Maybe this is naive and simplistic – I never did gymnastics at the level that it is today – but I wondered if Simone’s uncharacteristic overrotations in qualifications, and then loss of air sense or twisting sense, had something to do with her training different skills that have different levels of height and therefore different levels of needed repulsion. For example, on floor, after doing a triple twisting double back, which probably needs more height than say a full-in or double double, that might lead to you overrotating a full-in. Similarly, if you train a double double dismount off beam, it seems to me you might overrotate a full-in dismount. Now maybe gymnasts can handle all of this, but I think I would get confused about how much take-off momentum is needed, and easily overpower it.