WCC: Patrick Kiens & Daymon Jones take reins as Laurent Landi moves on

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The blonde can’t be Reese. Reese is smaller and has very smooth blonde hair.
So no Reese then. I wonder where she is. She has so much potential, but needs a very very experienced coach
There she is! I wondered if she would stay. I wonder if she will end up UGA in a few years?
Any idea who is taking Kiens place as head coach in Romania?

Last I read they were waiting until a new FRG President was in to decide. IIRC that election is happening around January?

^ This information may be outdated though, I haven’t been super keeping up with gym news the past month or so.
I wish usag would have hired him
I don’t think Laurent will have been short on offers. I get the impression that he’s chosen a consultancy role because it gives him the freedom and flexibility that he wants. He and his family have moved onto a different stage in their lives and it’s understandable that he wouldn’t want role that comes with obligations and tie downs
Supposedly, Landi is now the head coach of Mexico. The absolute toddler-level tantrum being thrown on Reddit by a certain someone because people are replying with "so, you have no evidence and just want us to believe you heard it from 'someone trusted'?" is definitely A Thing.

Even if she is right, she just doesn't get that her self-righteousness and obnoxious personality makes everyone hate her.

ETA: if she is right, I presume this is like a lot of other "head coach" jobs where some big name US-based coach shows up a handful of times a year at training camps and nationals rather than relocating to a new country on a day-to-day basis.

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