Tom Forster resigns

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Feb 4, 2021
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Well, obviously none of us saw that coming…

Last day is 31 December.
Bregman says Forster will be at the January camp as a guest:

(mods, delete my duplicate thread please?
I guess the more interesting question is who will take over.

Obviously the ability to be media savvy and not say or do anything to ignite the Twitter bandwagon trolls will be #1 on the job description. It’s a headache for everyone concerned.
This seems like it’s for the best. He never seemed happy in the position, the athletes never seemed happy with him there. Definitely going to be interesting to see what the job description includes when they post it
Oh…that’s too bad….
Usa Gymnastics Sport GIF by Team USA
As for who’s next, I honestly have no idea. Forster certainly didn’t make my short list when Liukin stepped down. Most of the top coaches I can think of still have athletes in the system, creating serious conflicts if interest, and the handful that don’t aren’t on good terms with USAG. Add in the scrutiny that’s going to be on that coach’s background (Do they have a history of promoting weight issues? Did they initially support Nassar, did they support or go along with the Karolyis? Accusations of abuse or creating a hostile environment?) and I really have no idea

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