Saying Goodbye (Retirements)

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I’m very curious about this too.

I know someone out here has a complete list of athletes for sure slated to start NCAA, and then a list of athletes who may/may not but said they would start NCAA.

And I’m most curious about people like Andrade. Mai. Steingruber. Iordache looks like she’s continuing but good Lord. Is Ferrari done now? Ellie Black? Saraiva? Sanne? Melnikova? Lorette Charpy?? Derwael?

Lots of long-time names might be done-zo after this one. 3 years isn’t that long, but it isn’t nothing either. Kind of an exciting time, I think there’s going to be a lot of turnover. I imagine this Covid Olympics took a lot out of some people.
I definitely think Ferrari is done. She kept going for all that time largely because she wanted an Olympic medal and now she got one. I think it’s a fitting ending for her career.

Conversely, I very much hope Andrade isn’t done. She’s such an incredible talent. She could continue and do so much more.
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I was wondering if Ferrari using "Time to Say Goodbye " as her music was a message.
This was my first thought in prelims. I’d love to know the story behind this routine. Was it put together after she qualified for FX or did she have it on the back burner hoping that she’d get to compete it?
That’s interesting. In many cases they haven’t retired, many go on to universiade, continue training in the hope of switching countries or carry on competing at national and city championships.

When Valentina says retirement, she means it as a very literal they are no longer a salaried employee of the ministry of sport
The Chinese gymnasts still have the National Games later this year, but we might see some retirements immediately afterwards. I’m pretty sure Fan Yilin is done. Zhang Jin has indicated she’d like to continue, and Tang Xijing said she wants to try for Paris 2024. I’m unsure about Lu Yufei. Guan Chenchen and Ou Yushan will almost certainly continue–although Ou is so injured I can’t see her getting very far.

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