Olympic Opening Ceremony

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Well, they fit 594 USA athletes on one boat and they're nut-to-butt on there.

The masked torch bearer is on the catwalk now and they've got some moves

“Haunting, evocative and nuanced: an anthem for the world​

By Michael Idato​

National pride, flags and songs make such a complicate cocktail for the mind and the heart. Excessive expressions of either can be irksome, but brought into delicate balance and you can find yourself quietly sobbing at songs that don’t even represent your homeland.
From the roof of the Grand-Palais, Axelle Saint-Cirel, draped in a dress in the colours of the French flag, delivered a stunning performance of the French national anthem La Marseillaise. It was haunting, evocative and nuanced. The fine arts side of the Paris opening ceremony in microcosm, perhaps.
What makes La Marseillaise such a stunning piece of music is that it is both anthemic and profound immense in scale. It is a marching song. It evokes images of uniforms moving in perfect synchronicity. It’s not our anthem, but it’s hard not to fall into step with it.
Saint-Cirel’s performance was none of that, and perhaps even more powerful for it. Few national anthems are genuinely affecting, but this is truly dazzling, a heart-ripping performance that slayed the audience in soft notes and gentle imagery.”

Meanwhile, the surfers in Tahiti are enjoying sunshine
I've turned it off I thought it was awful lol
I've turned it off I thought it was awful lol
Yeah, this ceremony is definitely going to be divisive. It's not my favorite, but I am enjoying that Paris set itself apart. The show will be memorable in its own way and potentially encourage USA and Australia to think outside the box for their opening ceremonies, especially since both nations have recently hosted Olympics.
Yeah, this ceremony is definitely going to be divisive. It's not my favorite, but I am enjoying that Paris set itself apart. The show will be memorable in its own way and potentially encourage USA and Australia to think outside the box for their opening ceremonies, especially since both nations have recently hosted Olympics.
Yeah, does the IOC say "it has to be at least 5 hours long" or something? I liked the interspersing but if it is kinda laboriously long on tv, what is it like in person for the athletes?

ETA: okay, the parade of flags behind the horse is kinda beautiful
This feels waaaay too long. I had to take a break and go walk the dog because it was so long.
Also the poor horses the asphalt is so bad for their hooves.
This feels waaaay too long. I had to take a break and go walk the dog because it was so long.
Also the poor horses the asphalt is so bad for their hooves.
I just do not care about the Opening ceremony. And if I were an Olympian I would skip it and rest.
I just do not care about the Opening ceremony. And if I were an Olympian I would skip it and rest.
Honestly yea. There was one meet where they did an opening ceremony style thing when I competed gymnastics and most of the older girls skipped it to prepare and rest.
Honestly yea. There was one meet where they did an opening ceremony style thing when I competed gymnastics and most of the older girls skipped it to prepare and rest.
Exactly. Just no added value.
Exactly. Just no added value.
Yea. We all just looked at each other, then the coaches, and said, so do we have to actually do this? Especially cuz we were on bars first. We got to put grips on and chalk up without a time crunch, it was nice.
Yeah, does the IOC say "it has to be at least 5 hours long" or something? I liked the interspersing but if it is kinda laboriously long on tv, what is it like in person for the athletes?

ETA: okay, the parade of flags behind the horse is kinda beautiful
I was watching past opening ceremonies on YouTube and it was amazing to see that the Parade of Nations takes up the majority of the time. The show itself is like an hour.
Yea. We all just looked at each other, then the coaches, and said, so do we have to actually do this? Especially cuz we were on bars first. We got to put grips on and chalk up without a time crunch, it was nice.
smart girls. The Opening Ceremony is theater for the viewers. Athletes gain nothing by taking part in it (except I guess some vague marketing value maybe) and their energy gets depleted

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