Do you mean the L-grip piked endo (Inbar) is a D in MAG? It is yeah, but that still doesn’t seem worth the trouble, who ever has even done it? You first have to get into L-grip to do it and then afterward you probably don’t have the momentum to do a big release, making it an inferior choice to put in a routine as compared to an Adler-type skill (especially the Adler 1/2, which we see every guy doing). Plus the code even specifically gives bonus to those Adler connections, but not to any other type of closed-bar or pirouette work - which is so dumb!
I don’t agree with the way they’ve separated turns in MAG because first of all they aren’t worth much now (you just get C value for something that’s usually going to end well past handstand and get deducted) and secondly it removes of the assessment of the difficulty before the turn. Doing a Healy on top of the bar may be the same movement in itself, but the position you were in beforehand changes the momentum going in and how early you can start the turn (and obviously starting the turn later means more likely to end later and get deducted).
For WAG the cap of E on pirouettes is part of the problem, a reverse Inbar 1/1 is clearly harder than a regular Inbar 1/1 and deserves higher than E rating, and in addition to that I wish the reverse Inbar without turn could get connection bonus in WAG. That way it would at least be considerable to be worth doing.