This is fair enough, but her parents still rubbed me the wrong way. It was the way they dismissed the past experiences as girls just not being tough enough. If they had said “Look, we know there were gymnasts who had bad experiences, but we think his style has changed and Our child has had wonderful experiences with him.” And that was it, I think I would feel differently. It was the convo about weight and the sense I got that they think that gymnasts who had bad experiences just weren’t tough enough that makes me concerned. Even if Valeri is incredible, that attitude from her parents is worrying to me. I had also felt like there was a lot of parental pressure even from previous episodes in ways that concerned me so maybe I was a little biased coming into this one.
At the end of the day only Konnor knows how she feels, and I mostly just hope she can have a positive experience with her gymnastics moving forward, whatever form that takes.