Kara Eaker, from University of Utah to Georgia

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No one will get fired.

Getting fired means the University admits guilt and takes the blame. They will not do anything that would include admission of anything in order to keep themselves out of legal trouble.

The University already had an investigation and the conclusion was Tom was “not abusive”, but needed to change his coaching practices.

If the pressure from the public becomes too great, some back door deals will be made and likely a lucrative offer will be proposed to Tom, who will then “resign”, moving to “future opportunities”.

But there is no way Tom will be terminated.

In terms of the rest of the coaching staff, once a new coach is named they can replace the whole team, so that would clean the house out per say.
You’re right. I wasn’t properly distinguishing between firing and “resigning”.
No one will get fired.

Getting fired means the University admits guilt and takes the blame. They will not do anything that would include admission of anything in order to keep themselves out of legal trouble.

The University already had an investigation and the conclusion was Tom was “not abusive”, but needed to change his coaching practices.

If the pressure from the public becomes too great, some back door deals will be made and likely a lucrative offer will be proposed to Tom, who will then “resign”, moving to “future opportunities”.

But there is no way Tom will be terminated.

In terms of the rest of the coaching staff, once a new coach is named they can replace the whole team, so that would clean the house out per say.
They could always issue some statement with crap like “in light of further information that has recently come forth” or somesuch. Make it sound like they didn’t know the full extent of it.
I think because of family, culture, etc. Avery Neff will still sign with Utah.
Not directed at Neff just the school:
Re: kim’s comment about being monitored… my boyfriend works in athletics at a D1 school. Yes, the athletes are monitored. To the extent that the coaches, support staff, even communications people working in the athletics dept know who hooked up with whom two nights ago. It’s undoubtedly creepy but hardly a Farden/Utah thing.
And of course, Moceanu has managed to make it about her!
Am I missing something? Does she know Kara Eaker?
Well, it has been well over a week since Kara posted. Not a peep from the University of Utah.

I can’t avoid watching all of their competitions, but I won’t be cheering for that team as long as Tom Farden is head coach.
I have to agree. Utah is the closest team to me but I won’t go to competitions there now.
Next week will be a big indicator and possible time to make announcement. I know it sounds bad, but once they have the class signed then they may make a move, or not if he keeps everyone.
The lawyers must have figured out a way to get rid of him without opening the school up for a lawsuit. I do like that they are pretending that it has absolutely nothing to do with that report they ignored or Eaker’s allegations. At least he’s finally on his way out now.
Dude probably submitted some paperwork late and they documented it and used it as an excuse to put him on leave. Or something banal like that.
I was guessing he went after an assistant or administrative staff.
They will give him the opportunity to resign.

If they don’t he is an idiot if he doesn’t voluntarily resign.

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