NCAA Kara Eaker, from University of Utah to Georgia

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I have no words for how gross this is.
Oh yeah, definitely seems like a gender motivated attack (“stupid, weak girl married some rando, can you even?”) I was just surprised that was the first i had heard of that (true or not). And of course, Utah having a successful program that makes it to nationals means that there is nothing wrong there, all rainbows and unicorn farts!
A team manager should know better than to gossip and talk about any current or former team members . And she should be fired for her mothers’ and hers lies.
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Man this saddens me. A community that professes to be open and accepting responds with such vitriol when someone states an opinion that is counter to the “group”. Discretion is the better part of valor, and this person probably should have just kept it to themselves. But, its their opinion and interpretation of events. Anyone who looks at this situation with an un-biased eye can at least admit that cases like this can be complex and hence elicit a variety of different viewpoints. We may not like them but we should respect them and be open to listening. Calling them disgusting and calling for their lives to be upended is not much better than the alleged perpetrator(s).
No one has specifically said she is disgusting, just the statement as far as I can tell. The only hope was that her daughter should be fired. I saw on Facebook that sharing rumours doesn’t break her contract and we can’t know whether she wanted her mom to post her thoughts, but it definitely doesn’t put them in a good light.

There’s a lot less room for open conversation and varying perspectives when some perspectives are aiming to harm someone’s reputation who has already been mistreated by however many different people in positions of authority to the point where she felt she needed to share specific details of everything she’s gone through just to make people see the issue.

While this wouldn’t be appropriate even if she were the only one to have come forward, many others have and some of the things mentioned by her were also mentioned in an independent investigation, so there really isn’t room to try and claim this program is healthy like this mom is trying to, and people like her sharing thoughts like these can cause a lot of damage.
Man this saddens me. A community that professes to be open and accepting responds with such vitriol when someone states an opinion that is counter to the “group”. Discretion is the better part of valor, and this person probably should have just kept it to themselves. But, its their opinion and interpretation of events. Anyone who looks at this situation with an un-biased eye can at least admit that cases like this can be complex and hence elicit a variety of different viewpoints. We may not like them but we should respect them and be open to listening. Calling them disgusting and calling for their lives to be upended is not much better than the alleged perpetrator(s).
What saddens me is that Kara and other former Utah gymnasts have experienced mental and psychological abuse from their head coach to the point of being suicidal. I’m saddened people to still defend and stand behind Tom Farden when there has been so much testimony that he is abusive. I don’t think there is any “nuance” to this situation.

That mother of the trainer was 100% out of line, and I don’t have any sympathy for her.
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No one has specifically said she is disgusting, just the statement as far as I can tell. The only hope was that her daughter should be fired. I saw on Facebook that sharing rumours doesn’t break her contract and we can’t know whether she wanted her mom to post her thoughts, but it definitely doesn’t put them in a good light.

There’s a lot less room for open conversation and varying perspectives when some perspectives are aiming to harm someone’s reputation who has already been mistreated by however many different people in positions of authority to the point where she felt she needed to share specific details of everything she’s gone through just to make people see the issue.

While this wouldn’t be appropriate even if she were the only one to have come forward, many others have and some of the things mentioned by her were also mentioned in an independent investigation, so there really isn’t room to try and claim this program is healthy like this mom is trying to, and people like her sharing thoughts like these can cause a lot of damage.
Semantics, using the word disgusting or gross implicitly ties that description to the individual who made that statement. Perhaps you can parse the difference, but not everyone can/will and just views that person as disgusting. Just like the trainer should never had posted it, a better (kinder) response should be to say “poorly timed post from trainer” or something to that affect.

And I dont know, to quote @rlayt “And she should be fired for her mothers’ and her tss ask kung shit and lies.” sounds like at least one wants this person to pay for the bad post.

In regards to the investigation, there were others that claimed no issues, are their opinions and feelings not valid? My point is, that you can have two things true at the same time, which makes this a complex situation, which makes it difficult for folks like us far removed from what transpired to parse out things. We have opinions, we have thoughts why can we share them with each other without the vitriol?
I apologize for my typing mistakes and autocorrect blunders as well as my eye condition that causes me to hit the wrong keys.

I stand by my opinion that anyone who gossips about a team member current or former should be fired.

Cuuf your thresholds for vitriol are pretty low. Vitriol:


Semantics are the sense and meaning of words. I can’t do anything about the interpretations you make of words. But that’s your interpretation not mine or others’ interpretation.

The words and actions can be gross without the person being gross. Again I can’t help you with your judgment of what things mean. That’s your judgment and interpretation.
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All the discussions we’ve had about the secrecy at top elite gymns in the past and now we hear the college teams can be just as bad.
I apologize for my typing mistakes and autocorrect blunders as well as my eye condition that causes me to hit the wrong keys.

I stand by my opinion that anyone who gossips about a team member current or former should be fired.

Cuuf your thresholds for vitriol are pretty low. Vitriol:

Semantics are the sense and meaning of words. I can’t do anything about the interpretations you make of words. But that’s your interpretation not mine or others’ interpretation.

The words and actions can be gross without the person being gross. Again I can’t help you with your judgment of what things mean. That’s your judgment and interpretation.
Ditto to you. I cant change how you interpret words. But I can point out bad behavior. Using profanity in this context is not merited and certainly comes across as cruel. And do you honestly believe that in this situation people are making a distinction between a gross statement and the gross person?

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