History of the Gymternet

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Not entirely certain but it was something I’d said either about or to NBB about the way he was running the board, I think. It would’ve been towards the end when it was winding down anyway. I remember it being pretty active on there in 08-09, so after that. The Shawn v Nastia v Chellsie show on their around Beijing was a true sight to behold.
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I’m probably not 100% correct with regards to dates, but the summary below provides a reasonable ball park timeline and additional color on some of the major gymnastics discussion forums over the years. For the most part, I’m only discussing boards where I was an active member which is why boards such as AmericanGymnast, The Aussie GymBoard, etc. are not listed. I also don’t have anything significant to add regarding WWGym and GymWorld beyond what has already been said.

Gymn Forum / Gymn-L Mailing List:

Began in the early 1990s and continued through the early 2000s, until Debbie Poe / the owner closed it down, along with the first incarnation of the Gymn Forum website.


Began in 1996/1997 and continued well through the 2000s, though the level of activity dropped significantly from its peak in the late 1990s / early 2000s.

  • I believe GGMB started in 2000/2001, with a number of posters coming from OOBN and the NBCOlympics forums. The original forum was on EZBoard, and I still remember the colorful characters such as ShanessaDomi, Dionne Warwick, and GermansLoveDavidHasselhoff (later Armine / FakeArmineB).
  • GGMB had a few other homes such as DelphiForums (2002-2003) and Excoboard (2003-2004/2005), before finally moving onto its own dedicated server leading up to its first collapse in 2014.
  • As others have mentioned, September / October of 2006 is around when the split that led to the creation of WWGym occurred.
  • I never recall the AmericanGymnast forums really ever being mentioned on GGMB. However, GymWorld (referred to as the CATA4EVER forum) and WWGym were not looked upon favorably, though some posters were active across the different platforms.
The All-Around Forum:

The All-Around website and forum were both launched in 2006 by A J and albertmc, whom also served as GymWorld moderators.

International Gymnast

I was not an active member, but I believe the IG forums started around the time of the 2006 World Championships.
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We can’t have a history of the Gymternet without talking about reporting and newsletters. The Mogilny was perhaps the first I heard of and read. Was it first?
From what I understand, The Mogilny actually existed both in an actual print / paper copy, and what was posted online. However, I am not sure there was actually a ‘regular’ discussion aspect to it.
This is fun to read… it’s all starting to make more sense now.

My wife and I created an online pro shop (Leotard Crazy) in 2003. This pro shop sold leotards… grips… and tiger paws. In September of 2005 the “Leotard Crazy Message Boards” were added to the store. The off topic forum was called “The Chalk Bucket”.

In 2007 we moved from San Diego to Wisconsin and eventually shut down the pro-shop as we just didn’t have time to keep it running. “The Chalk Bucket” was what survived. It took on a life of it’s own.

If you’d like anymore history on ChalkBucket… ask @Bogwoppit as she knows just about everything about it.

Here’s a couple of pics from the Wayback Machine for you…


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Me, too, from WI originally, and going there tomorrow as a matter of fact.

OMG this brings up so many memories. I hadn’t even remembered the abbreviation GGMB until I was looking for other forums tonight after watching the Olympics. Haven’t looked at gym forums for many years.

The guy who wrote the Mogilny was I think a long time participant on the GGMB board, who went by the name “SlimShady” for a while, and used to talk about a “Chupacabra”, whatever that was, or whatever it meant to him. The Mogilny was like the Onion of gymnastics. He had a girlfriend and they talked about her pregnancy, which was a fiction, and maybe the girlfriend was a fiction, too.

It is so true that GGMB and Abomb were abusive. It’s kind of validating to read your description of the toxicity. At one point they had an in joke about Nazis, and a swastika on the home page, and that was really uncomfortable. I mean they thought it was a joke for the insiders, but to anyone else who stumbled upon the website, it was offensive, but Abomb and his acolytes were so convinced of their being at the center of the universe, they couldn’t see how it appeared to others. At first he and the board was amusing, and it was open to everyone. I think they suffered several bans from forum platforms, and moved around from hosting service to hosting service for a while – I probably saw them on several different servers, and this was before 2008.

If you didn’t read every thread on that board and know all the details of everything that was going on, probably particularly the threads in which Abomb had a personal opinion and stake, and if you innocently said you liked a gymnast that he didn’t like or something, you were attacked or mocked. I saw the writing on the wall that they were going to want to ban me, and I left, but had I stayed I probably would have been banned.

One of the funniest threads I ever read was on that board about a coach, and it implied she was doing favors for the powers that be in USA Gymnastics. It was not very nice. I’m not proud of it, but my eyes were wet from laughing. Also, I met some other gym fans in the SF Bay Area on that board and we got together to watch the Olympics at someone’s house a few times, and together we went to a Cal meet with UCLA and briefly met Miss Val, UCLA’s coach/choreographer, who was held in high esteem on that board.

I met someone who was an epidemiologist on that board, who had previously done scoring for the writing part of college admissions exams, and she helped me to copy edit some of my papers in grad school, because I am a terrible writer, and that was so kind and helpful. I appreciate her help to this day.

Then I moved to another board. It was before the 2008 Beijing Olympics. There was a poster who was “all China, all the time”, and we suspected that she was put there by the Chinese government, because she kept insisting there was no age falsification by the Chinese, and any time anyone said anything less than flattering about the Chinese team, she was there to jump in with some positive PR.

There were a lot of video montages posted and gym videos shared, some of which I downloaded and saved on CDs, pre-YouTube, and someone sent out CDs of the holy grail: a video of the Olomouc meet, which was rumored for several years, and amazingly was actually unearthed, and I have the CD that someone sent to me of the Olomouc meet, held by eastern bloc countries as an alternative to the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, which was boycotted by most of the eastern bloc countries. The videos are very grainy.

There was a lot of colorful commentary and people saying things they would probably only say anonymously behind the veil of the Internet. There were unending religious wars about who was robbed in this meet or that meet, and people would not let it go, to the point that after the amusement factor receded, you saw those threads and thought “been there, done that” and moved on … This was before Instagram and all the social media of today. So many of the names listed above, that I haven’t thought of for many years, ring a bell: Rafiki, Shanfan, OOBN, ShanessaDomi, FakeArmineB.

Also, one thing that was amazing was that as the board migrated from host to host, as it got shutdown by these different servers, and you got an error message when you logged in, was that everybody quickly found where the next board was and created new accounts, and in a day or two, it seemed like a thousand users had migrated by osmosis!
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So many of the names listed above, that I haven’t thought of for many years, ring a bell: Rafiki,
I’m still here 😁

I got my start on Gymworld in 2002 when I was looking up information about Patras Euros. I joined GGMB in 2006 and got banned a year later, that’s when I found wwgym.

TBGN (?) was a GB focussed board and community in the 00s. It had a private forum for elites and I only ever lurked on the public bits. No idea if that’s still going.

I tried to explain downloading videos of individual routines from fan sites to a youngling once 👀
I started and mainly stayed on WWGym. It was after the 2007 American Cup and I Google searched for a gymnastics forum and WWGym was one of the first results. I found about about GGMB, TAAF, and Gymworld via WWGym and joined those boards as well. I only lurked on GGMB since their toxicity was already legendary at that point and semi-active on TAAF and Gymworld.
I joined Gymworld in 2002, and later became moderator of its Russian forum.

I was initially banned from GGMB when they decided no under 18s due to the content. I’d already been there for 3! I was banned again around 2012 for having a maid from Africa. No, seriously “MARY KKKLARE HAS A HOUSE N*GRO”

I joined WWgym at the very beginning and was a moderator of the short lived teen forum. I still have the original t shirt and sweatshirt. I never wore them as I didn’t want the gymnasts I trained with joining it!

I also remember circa 2003 GymnStands and all the Yahoo Groups where you could download videos
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Remember the message board about the other message boards? I think it was also called chalk bucket?

I didn’t become a huge fan until right after London, so my only incarnation has been on WWGYM.
Started out with the GTTC*, made some lasting friendships, and OOBness. Honestly any gymnerd site I could find. It was all undiscovered territory. I remember one with mock competitions where I won a leotard design contest.
Then GGMB, but only briefly. Man that place was AWFUL.
Wondered around sad for a while then found wwgym.

*Pretty sure my local post office thought I had a porn business going.
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I’ve been on and around the gymternet since around 2002, joining AmericanGymnast, and InternationalGymnast. I also spent a lot of time on RSG. de, a RG site and board that still exists but is pretty much dead now. I joined GGMB sometime in the mid 2000’s, as well as GymWorld. Then, I headed over to WWGymn. Mostly under different variations of the screen name Avivadawn

I’m more active on Figure Skating boards and follow RG on Russian language boards these days. Mostly, I lurk on the gymternet boards and follow stuff on Instagram and Tumblr. Glad to be here though. It still boggles my mind that the same people I was posting with almost 20 years ago are still around and posting which is amazing.

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