Gymcastic. Thoughts?

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They just have to push Skinner. It’s sad that a better routine construction would give her higher marks for lower difficulty especially as she insists on including elements that will never be credited … although at least someone talked her out of the delusion turn on bb
I don’t remember them liking Skinner this much in 2016 so it is surprising how pro-Skinner they are now.
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I think it’s more that they’re anti Tom and thus, any decision that Tom made (I.e. to “demote” Skinner to +1) gets immediate criticism, irrespective of the merits.
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If we want to pick out someone who shouldn’t naturally be good on beam but has an intelligent routine construction that always gets her over the line, it should be Ellie Black. She gets up, does 8 skills that won’t incur unnecessary execution deductions, and gets the hell out of there.

(Well, she did a few years ago, anyway. I haven’t checked since then).
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I haven’t listened to Gymcastic for a long time. The interviews (especially the ones when the show first started) were good.

Jessica showed a lot of gumption to get that show going and keep it going. I give her credit for that. It would be better off if she stepped back into a management and background role and let others do most of the hosting. I don’t think her ego will let her do that…

It’s a bit too much “outrage vampire” for my taste - the stirring up the controversy in order to feed off it.
Jessica finished today’s BTS with a monologue about how she’s misunderstood by her critics, and that their criticism is rooted in how she was 8 years ago and ignores how much she’s changed and grown since.

Well - I’ve only subscribed for 2 months and I had to cancel my subscription to save my own sanity. I have no idea what she said 8 years ago. I’m going off things she said in the last month.

It’s not that we aren’t “willing to see how she has grown and changed for the better”. It’s that she constantly gets everything wrong about gymnastics, shit stirs, and creates these overblown (and incorrect) narratives which then get picked up by the less informed public media as fact.

The amount of people on YouTube and Facebook talking about how Simone withdrew “because the FIG purposely underscored her routines to not let her win” is a direct result of her 6.6 vault D score argument, that she whipped up and tried to make into this huge controversy and a mainstream view.

She’s toxic to the gymternet. And she can’t even see it. She literally thinks she’s a white knight. It’s infuriating.
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But the mainstream media LITERALLY look to Jessica at Gymcastic as the “specialist” gymnastics broadcaster.

It’s contributing to the denigration of our sport.
Exactly. She’s managed to market herself as this Gymmastics guru.

I bet she couldn’t name (let alone score) all the elements in a beam routine.
And whose fault is that? Anyone who builds her market.
Well, Gymcastic can hire Mykayla to bring in her fans and then once Myk starts her family, she can start mommy-blogging in competition with Shawn and there can be a gymnast-mommy-blog war!
I have very mixed feelings about the podcast. I have listened since before the last quad and appreciated some podcasts and intensely disliked others. I recall hearing a few of the earlier ones she did (Nassar and Maggie Haney) and recall being grossed out how she fawned over them in the interviews. (this was before everything became public). She seemed to me to be someone who was early led, and fell prey to celebrity awe easily. Over time I feel like this has gotten better though it does rear its head at times. (Having a high level though not elite kid in the sport you hear a LOT about gyms and coaches. I roll my eyes and sigh when she would gush about this or that gym/ coach knowing real life experiences from friends and their children. Plus watching these folks at meets I have learned a LOT about personalities and behavior that she would likely not know or be privy to. After all, most don’t give a flying flip about level 10 kids- they all only care about what happens to the elites. Trust me, true colors come out when watching them with the JO kids) Anyway, I digress. I actually stopped listening after the whole Miss Val thing a while back but started again during the lead up to the olympics again. She does seem a bit better and more measured than in years past. She still doesn’t seem to know much- I mean I am just a parent and I know just as much as she does! On the other hand I DO think that it is a good thing to have a podcast presence like this for the sport. It can draw more fans, and frankly just like any podcast, it is what it is. Its not the gospel of gymnastics, but just another set of opinions out there to listen to and take what you like and leave the rest. JMHO.

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