Gymcastic. Thoughts?

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I like Gymcastic, but I don’t love it. Enthusiasm is good, but sometimes it can be a bit much. I don’t know if it’s just me, but they can also come across as ageist against the gymnasts who are still teenagers. It’s great that more gymnasts are staying in the sport longer, but I’ve probably heard “grown ass woman” one too many times. Additionally, I agree about them creating drama.
I heard Toms comments to the press and read the usag clarification and I’m not that mad. I don’t think he needed to be fully transparent at the press conference and say yes athletes AB and C had their Olympic dreams crushed. It would have been more clear if he had made the clarification statement as his first response but Tom is not good at being clear. (Remember his terribly phrased Facebook posts during world championships.)
I agree that if he wants to be in the job more than one or two quads, he must get better (and not just at media). But it is foolish to demand perfection in an area the we know isn’t his strength.

I wonder if Chellsie Memmel would be good at his job…when she is done competing of course.
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Totally on board with Memmel being head. But I doubt she would want it. It’s a lot of pressure and going by the track record of prior head coaches, no one has really ended on good terms with the public…
GymCastic has been a great addition to the gymternet. I especially like their focus on ETHICS.

When they make a mistake, most often an apology comes quickly.

Spencer, in particular, is very technically savvy. Also funny. He makes me laugh every week.

I do miss Uncle Tim though he’s still involved behind the scenes.
I like it enough to listen driving to run errands. Jessica’s voice and demeanor probably cause people to take her less seriously but when you can get past that she and Spencer provide information. And yes they make mistakes and have to apologize.

We need more content not less and I appreciate anyone putting time snd effort in.
So I listened to the gymcastic us trials preview…and enjoyed it. I remember that I disagreed with some parts but don’t remember what they were. (Whatever it was didn’t annoy me enough to bother remembering.)

If you are so excited for trials and need to clean the house 😉 I would recommend that episode.
I go in spurts with them. I enjoy Spencer’s take on most things…get super annoyed with Jess’s attitude and ego a lot though…but I’m still salty about her purporting to be the #1 advocate for athletes and then being a hypocrite and going after Beckerman so aggressively for daring to write a negative experience about VKF. I lost what respect I had after that. She doubled down on it (that episode was a 2nd taping bc she was so inflamed on the subject) and only apologized when she was flamed on twitter and other platforms and people started cancelling subscriptions siting her attack of beckerman as the reason
So last night on Behind the Scenes, Jessica said that one of the coaches on the floor at Olympic Trials, with two prominent athletes, has a current and active safe sport investigation ongoing against him.

She later revealed his name. Multiple times.

Any idea whether we know this is true? I don’t want to get the board in trouble without being able to fact check. But I think we can all guess who it is.
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Hmmm. I think it is harder to guess to be honest.

I don’t think the board would be in trouble if you are just stating what Jessica said as a fact of the matter. Especially if she said his name multiple times.
She said it was Al Fong.
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Active Safe Sport investigations don’t automatically come with suspensions. It is made on a case by case basis. I know of an elite coach (not one on the floor at these trials) who had at least 2 separate investigations and was allowed to keep coaching the entire time.

Unless there is a suspension, or someone leaks it, we never know who is under investigation.
I’m loosing my mind listening to the latest Gymcastic episode where they spent 20 minutes raving about “the highest scoring team” on paper.

Yes. On a healthy team, Skinner adds a few tenths on vault. But we never have a fully healthy team so you must plan on using the fourth person for more than just vault. That makes MyKayla a less attractive option.

They should be able to figure that out, it’s not that difficult.
The highest scoring team isn’t needed.The US out distances the rest of the field on floor and vault. That is why the narrative of “we need a vaulter!” was silly to me. This isn’t 2000 or 2004. Even if Suni vaulted with Chiles and Biles the US is going to be the top team on that event by 2 points.
Exactly - the US is not in any serious danger and if they are it is not going to be vt tenths that make the difference. There is a bigger risk for ub and bb where if - say Suni - cannot compete you stand to lose 3-5 points by using Skinner on those events compared to the 0.5-1 point you gain on vt

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