Golden: The Journey of USA’s Elite Gymnasts

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Decided to watch episode 5 based on this thread. My take:

Laurie and Charlotte are adorable.

Glad to see Konnor looking into the camera, seeming to take control of her own gymnastics. Hope this holds.

Both Jenny and Slava come across as great examples of coaching elite athletes.

I hope Suni wins all the medals.
Wow konnors coach and especially her husband. What were the flags, anyone know? I’m guessing they must have been GOP or trump flags based on the reaction but I couldn’t tell. I do feel better about her move to WOGA now.

Watching Morgan have hope is kind of heartbreaking

Laurie is just awesome and I loved the Kyla/Maddie cameo! Also loved they were rocking kn95s.
I don’t have much to add about Konnor, except that I really hope she’s going to be okay. As a mom, I’m not particularly thrilled about her parents’ decisions and rationales, but I’m trying not to judge them.

I’m really sad for Laurie and Morgan. Their bodies betrayed them. But both gymnasts seem so resilient that I think they’ll be fine. Morgan still has NCAA, and she’s obviously so smart and confident that she’ll succeed in whatever she does outside gymnastics. Laurie’s attitude and self-awareness continually amaze me. I think she could be a great motivational speaker or, better still, a sports psychologist. (I also have a massive soft spot for her because she’s from my home state. You can take a girl out of Jersey, but you can’t take Jersey out of the girl.)
Laurie also has really terrific parents. They are so supportive and understanding without being pushy or demanding. I am sure that helps tremendously with resilience.
That could be a red flag. But wasn’t a team sleepover thing? It wasn’t just Laurie there but other girls as well?
I just remember the story was that Maggie would drive her to and from practice and she would sleep over so Maggie wouldn’t have to pick her up. It is possible I am mixing up those stories.

This talks about how Maggie would pick her up each day.

We have a new episode. It’s heartbreaking to watch the Morgan part.
This episode felt anti-climatic. Maybe that is because I had already watched the Olympic channels video which covered some of the same Morgan content. Maybe it is because they spent a lot of time re-hashing the Olympic Trials and I remember those pretty well because they just happened.

It sounds like WOGA may not be the final gym home for Konnor. Her Dad said something about her being there for 3-6 months and then they would evaluate.
Konor’s future feels like it’s going to be like watching a car crash in slow motion. Poor kid.

I am really starting to warm to Mykayla… I must be getting old.

I’ll probably edit that bit out later. Don’t do drugs kids.
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