Fred Richard’s New Uniform At Winter Cup

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Late to this, but totally agree. There's absolutely nothing wrong with asking why things are the way they are, or saying things could, should or must change; doing things a certain way simply because that's the way they've always been done is absurd, and gymnastics really does need to get over itself wrt to deductions for anything not related to athletic performance. But his stated reasoning (essentially "people might think I'm gay") is offensive, and the ways he's presenting it all makes it sound like he's doing this to generate attention and controversy rather than to actually drive positive change.
Because nothing says I’m heterosexual than opting to wear even tighter tights.

Agree completely. People don’t seem to acknowledge how harmful it is.

It’s like the German woman saying yeah we opted for the unitard because we think leotards look slutty.
and the ways he's presenting it all makes it sound like he's doing this to generate attention and controversy rather than to actually drive positive change.

He’s deleted it now but his IG post after was a video titled something like “Olympic gymnast punished for trying to make change” and how “the punishment was worth it”. He’s definitely trying to push an agenda but I’m not sure how much of it is really about the “uniform”.
It’s like the German woman saying yeah we opted for the unitard because we think leotards look slutty.
Totally. I try to tell myself their views were lost in translation because there's a world of difference between "we feel uncomfortably sexualised by these revealing outfits" and "this is what a **** would wear".

He’s deleted it now but his IG post after was a video titled something like “Olympic gymnast punished for trying to make change” and how “the punishment was worth it”.

He's clearly got an image in his mind of a Nike advert about the importance of being a hero for standing up for what you believe in no matter the cost.
Does the singlet look much different from a wrestling or track one?
I’d say yes. Wrestling and track have longer shorts attached to the singlet. Gymnastics singlets are more shaped like skin tight baby onesie.
I’m now even more ragey after discovering that despite it being so important to him he has seemingly never mentioned this moral crusade in public at any previous point in his career, and does not seem to have made any effort at all to request or lobby for change or even canvas other athletes for their views and support before resorting to direct action. These are not the actions of a man who wants to change things for reasons other than personal profile. At best they’re the actions of someone who saw Stick It at a young age and remains outraged by Mina losing half a point on her vault due to an errant bra strap.

And oh my word he cites as inspiration Michael Jordan forcing change in the NBA’s rules on shoe colour, a “campaign” that was entirely the product of Nike’s marketing department.
I’d say yes. Wrestling and track have longer shorts attached to the singlet. Gymnastics singlets are more shaped like skin tight baby onesie.
Well, that seems like an easy enough change. Update the singlet to have longer compression shorts, give the guys more coverage when changing and when wearing the shorts without compromising safety or the judges ability to score.
Be interesting to see if that gets an additional deduction
It should, under fair application of the rule — no dark pants for anyone.

(Which I think really doesn't need to be a rule, but okay, fine.)
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When did the No dark pants rule come in? USA had black pants at 1994 Worlds, Paul O’Neil won silver on rings.
Relatively recently. I remember Pegan’s awesome HB routines (00s) being done in Slovenia’s customary dark blue.
I’m sure GB had dark navy blue circa 2008
I recall Louis Smith wearing all white in Beijing, although that may have been a style choice rather than code of points-related. But if the issue is one of visibility for judges against dark backgrounds, I'm not sure how GB (and various others) have got away with this kind of royal blue for ages (pic from 2019):


I realise everything about judging is, ultimately, subjective. But asking people to consistently decide what constitutes "the darker shades of blue, brown or green" (darker than what?) is asking for trouble.
This is what frustrates me so much about Fred's little project: there are so many things that could be tweaked to improve this sport, but "my tights make me look gay" really isn't one of them.
Fred really pissed of a lot of people with that approach. Ditto calling it a "girly sport".
He's responding to a real thing (boys get bullied for doing gymnastics) but the framing was not good.

Leggings are big in the NBA now. What he was wearing looked like those. But this is not basketball.

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