Dipa Karmakar

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She's competing again now the suspension has finished. These are two vaults from an Indian domestic competition recently, both of which looked painful.

She's down for the Cairo world cup, which incidentally makes her another member of the 30s and still competing WAGs club. But I hope she isn't going to try the double there. It looks nowhere close.
When I saw the thread title, I was worried it was going to be news that she hurt herself.
I'm still mad about that "downgrade to a single front" rule.

If only they actually used the deductions available to them, that nonsense wouldn't be necessary...
She qualified 3rd for the Cairo final today. An Chang Ok is in a league of her own and the title is hers to lose, but there's only 0.049 between 2nd and 3rd. Dipa's career has always been something of a story, maybe there's more of it yet to be written.
Her qualifying vaults from Cairo, don't think these have been posted yet. The quality is bad but it's definitely her first and Pranati second, because of the 0.1 deduction.

She looks much more competitive than I'd expected. The double is, dare I say it, quite good.
I think it's interesting that compared to the gymnasts competing the other 3 events, the vaulters have a different dynamic since most of them won't be able or are unlikely to qualify as all-arounders at continentals.

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