2022 Worlds Qualification

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Do we have any idea of the route for changing the continental team ratios? They were based on 2019 worlds rankings but how would FIG deal with a shift in the balance? For example Africa currently has one team, but RSA showed at CWG that they are also worlds worthy. What happens if new African countries emerge at that level and we suddenly have three or four teams competing for the lone continental team spot? What if NZL rapidly improve and can compete with Australia? I’ve been wondering about this for a while but I enjoyed RSA so much at CWG that it feels extra relevant now.
I wondered that too. They appear to have taken the top 24 from 2018 worlds and swapped the Czechs in 24th for Egypt in 25th, to ensure African representation, and I can see why they went with that given the difficulty of coming up with an alternative. But it’s not going to work indefinitely!
I do think they should combine Oceania and Africa into one championships. Maybe the top 3 teams from an Oceania/Africa championship continue on. I don’t see Oceania going anywhere in the future with just New Zealand and Australia there. African gymnastics has rapidly improved in just ten years.

I know they (FIG) like the number 24 but I wouldn’t mind seeing 26 to 28 teams at Worlds.
Especially considering the number of individuals that qualify, it is like having a full team of four or five, but they cannot contest a team event score.

FIG could limit the number of World Cup qualifiers to 4 instead of 8 per apparatus, which brings it from 32 down to 16. The 16 places saved could be turned into 3 full teams of 5.
There are already unused slots from World Cup and then you have Alexandra Shametko who qualified to do bars at Worlds with only one score of 8.366. Meanwhile you have all these other gymnasts who have missed out.
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Slovenia, Norway are all able to send 4 gymnasts, when previously they would only be allowed to enter 3 gymnasts if they hadn’t finished in the top 24 the year previous. So these teams benefit for the new qualification critiera.

Though, I do see more countries going to World Cups in the future because as of right now if you attend and scores points, you go to Worlds automatically.
Yes it will be interesting to see if the lesson is learned from this year and attendance goes up.
They appear to have taken the top 24 from 2018 worlds and swapped the Czechs in 24th for Egypt in 25th, to ensure African representation
Thanks for the correction.
FIG could limit the number of World Cup qualifiers to 4 instead of 8 per apparatus, which brings it from 32 down to 16. The 16 places saved could be turned into 3 full teams of 5.
This is a good idea, for WAG at least. 32 individuals from the world cup route feels pretty unwieldy and unnecessary and the quality just isn’t there to justify it. Whereas there are quite legit teams missing out. I know South Africa had some problems at the African championships, but it’s a shame for worlds that they won’t be there when you think about the performance they gave at CWG. 147 isn’t a bad total at all. Would’ve had them 5th at Pan Ams and 11th at Euros, usual caveats about scoring comparisons notwithstanding.
FIG could also, I dunno, spread out World Cup events to get better representation. (I am pissed about this)
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Guess it is hard to get countries to hold them? But yeah, at least 1 event in each of the major regions would be a step in the right direction.
Thinking about future changes to the qualification system, or how to avoid the Petrounias situation. Other than holding another qualification competition later in the year, if the FIG didn’t want to organise and pay for that, they could:

A) Grant a qualification place to any medallist at the last year’s Worlds/Olympics if not otherwise qualified. This would only apply to Petrounias this year. If you expand to event finalists for example Filipa Martins would get in for uneven bars at Worlds as well. This rule would only help a very small number of the very best gymnasts, but that’s who would be missed most at Worlds.

B) Give the specialists another opportunity to qualify at the continental championships. If you needed a medal to qualify this would only add a handful of people, but the disparity between the continents would make this a very variable standard - Africa MAG and Oceania would dominate the extra entries, and most years there probably wouldn’t be a Petrounias level competitor to balance it out. This also wouldn’t help anyone who was injured for both World Cups and continental championships.

Interestingly, AA competitors already have two opportunities to qualify. I don’t think anyone tried this year, but the rules explicitly state if you qualify on all the apparatus (via the World Cups) your AA score will count at Worlds. Anyone trying this would need two vaults, and it’s probably only really possible for women, but I wonder if someone will try next year, with the added importance of getting to Worlds to qualify for the Olympics.
FIG have published the official list of WAG team and AA qualifiers (in the event files) https://www.gymnastics.sport/site/events/detail.php?id=15871#loaded . The World Cup list is blank for some reason, and there’s also a MAG list which is blank apart from the teams.

Asia, Africa and Oceania are as expected.

For the Americas, Olivia Kelly (Barbados) is in instead of Valentina Pardo (Colombia). Apparently Pardo might have been injured at Pan Ams.

Europe: Celeste Mordenti (Luxembourg) and Nika Kukuljan Frleta (Croatia) replace Valentina Georgieva (Bulgaria) and Emilia Kulczynska (Poland). Georgieva we know is injured. Another Polish gymnast should have been next in to replace Georgieva as well.

The Polish federation is apparently refusing to send gymnasts to Worlds. This is Ada Ogieglo, who is in a qualifying position for floor in the World Cup standings:

They also have a gymnast qualified for vault, but she was injured at Euros. So it’s either three or four women affected. Will be interesting to see if there are any Polish men on the MAG list when that appears.
Poland qualified a full team to 2019 Worlds in 2018 and the federation refused to send a full team. IIRC, they didn’t replace Poland as Egypt made it in for continental quota and Egypt was 25th previously so the 26th team (Greece) didn’t get the call.
MAG had 25 teams in 2019 because Australia who was 25th got the Oceania continental quota. No African MAG had a full team so their quota went unused.
Full lists of qualifiers are out now

https://www.gymnastics.sport/asset.php?id=fidb_12664 (MAG)
https://www.gymnastics.sport/asset.php?id=fidb_12665 (WAG)

All the World Cup spots are filled. How exactly they’ve done this is unclear, they must have redistributed the points in some way, but this outcome directly contradicts the rules as I read them, so??

Poland have turned down their WAG apparatus spots, but have entered Sebastian Gawronski for MAG vault and floor. Georgia have turned down all their spots (all in MAG).

Chusovitina is not on the list. There are a few others missing who were expected to be on there as well, other than the Poles.

The draw was apparently supposed to be in August, but there’s no news on that front.
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I am very confused by this. Clearly they reworked the points somehow so that it wasn’t that all of the participants one place could go, and others from other events got cut off. But it’s unclear what they did, and it may leave gymnasts off who hoped to go?
Looks liks Chusovitina was actually being serious then. I think she should’ve just come anyway and done an Omelianchik timer.
and it may leave gymnasts off who hoped to go?
This is the biggest issue. For the gymnasts who might have thought they had qualified but now don’t show up on the list.

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