Rewind WEEK TWELVE 16/12 : 1993 San Jose spectacular

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No worries MaryClare. Hope the travelling went smoothly.

I'd not heard of this exhibition. There were so many variations of exhibitions/show comps in the 90s and then they just died. Kinda curious on the background of this one given the countries involved. In Korbut's book she talked about going on tour post-Munich and I guess Belarus kept that money making idea going with Scherbo performing "across the world".

  • I was a bit confused at when in 1993 this was since it was after worlds but there were several comments about gymnasts getting back in to competition readiness. I didn't realise that worlds was so early in 1993 (mid-April).
  • The crowd were super close to the floor.
  • Nice time capsule of music.
  • No howlers given the duo involved but it was interesting to hear their unfiltered opinions about gymnasts being robbed at 1993 worlds (Dawes BB, Korobchinsky AA).
  • Needed sunglasses for Podkopayeva's leotard and then eye bleach after an early example of a twisting tuck jump on floor. I wonder how she would have done in other quads when front tumbling wasn't so rewarded. I'm a sucker for a piked full-in so that was nice to see.
  • Borden had a decently high tkatchev and very nice carriage on floor. Has the footage of her demonstrating compulsories ever emerged? It would be interesting to compare with her 96 compulsories.
  • Sharipov's leotard was so low cut at the neck and arms. He had balls doing a triple back dismount in that lighting. I've not seen a straddled gaylord before.
  • Loved Ivankov's splits to press handstand. Simple pleasures.
  • Yurkina's black and white leotard looked like wrapping paper or perhaps an illusion, but it really worked for me. I also liked Piskun's unusual one.
  • Was Lysenko wearing the same leotard as Karpenko did in the 1999 AA?
  • I was impressed (and a tad concerned) at the difficulty being thrown given the lighting. It was so dark outside those spotlights.
  • Ivankov's wobbly Y scale may be a preview of what is to come next quad.
  • I haven't seen many examples (this plus Nemov in 1997), but I think men look odd doing double pikes on floor.
  • I wondered if Yurkina's was the shortest triple twist I'd ever seen on FX....then I saw Borden's 🙈
  • Not sure I've ever seen Nunno speak before - as opposed to obnoxiously cheering. The wry smile when Connor said he was "taking over the reigns from Bela Karolyi" was gross.
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Interesting exhibition, I’d also not seen it before.

Yulia Yurkina’s stumble forward on her Arabian double on floor made me think back to 1993 Nikon International. Her routine there is on YouTube, if you dare.

Steve Nunno seemed a bit odd in that interview.

Also liked the straddled Gaylord, and the interesting leotards. Svetlana Todorova of Bulgaria wore a similar or same leo at the 1993 European Cup to Olga Yurkina’s leo here. Yes Lisenko’s seems the same as Karpenko’s AA in 1999 six years later!

Bart Connor thought Ivankov had potential and was right.

Nice beam by Stobchataya. Could Podkopayeva do a layout step out on beam? Cool headstand.
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Lisenko and Sharipov could speak English. Did they learn that from tutors at Round Lake or school or from watching TV?
Lysenko in particular is an incredibly intelligent person, even as a teenager. It doesn’t surprise me that she was able to just pick up English.

They would have received very minimal English tuition and would have had next to no opportunity to watch English language television
A follow-up video from 1992:

A few small changes that I noticed:

For Balance Beam:

- Grand plie after handstand 1/2 has been added.

- Removed bringing of legs together during the back walkover

For Floor Exercise:

A couple of things that we see in competition that are absent from the demonstration routines are: 1) No jump after the layout full and 2) No split jump after the full twisting straight jump.

Instead of the whip + whip + back tuck, we see in 1991, the dismount has changed to whip + back handspring + back tuck.

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