Thank you gymnaverse

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Thank you so much to the regular posters here(and wwgym before) for keeping us semi-regular/random/sporadic posters(and lurkers!) so well informed during the games. I tend to only visit during major international comps like worlds and o’s and am so grateful this place exists!!!
Shining Schitts Creek GIF by CBC
And I would like to say thank you to everyone who not only made this a lively and wonderful place to discuss the Olympics, but did so in a drama-free fashion! This is my 5th Olympics as a mod or admin of a gymnastics board, is this was by far the smoothest, least stressful Olympics. Not once did I wake up and think “Oh god, what disaster is waiting for me today?”

I’m really looking forward to worlds with everyone (frequent posters and lurkers alike!) in just a couple of months!
Awesome to read this! Thank you to everyone for talking gymnastics here.

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