Save Gopher Sports

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Jan 22, 2022
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We have many people on this board that I know can help Mike Burns SAVE GOPHER SPORTS!
In case you didn’t know, Minnesota Men’s Gymnastics (and Iowa Men’s) were cut in August and September of 2020. Minnesota has been a part of the university for 117 years! It was cut without notice and without merit. They had on their roster future Olympian, Shane Wiskus and many previous Olympians, most notably, 3 time Olympian, John Roethlisberger.
Mike Burns presented a self-funded way to save the sport at the university and the Regents would not read it.
If you can spare a minute of your time to sign the petition, that would help tremendously!
Please share on FB and Twitter, your gym pages, and personal social media accounts.

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Hey guys…come on and sign!

You don’t sign up for anything, you get no emails, you get no updates. It truly is just your name, state, and email. Unclick all boxes.

People are starting to listen but we need to keep pressing them.

Signed with a fake state/zip code because it wouldn’t accept – and n/a.
I’ve signed it and so has my partner and many friends with no issues. Not understanding what you are saying.
Rafiki is not based in the US, but still wanted to show her support. The petition requires you to enter a State and zip, so anyone not based in the US has to use a fake state and zip code in order to sign.
And for anyone else, here’s a handful of options:
I signed the petition and truthfully answered the location & alumni status questions.
This has been stagnant for awhile! Can anyone sign this?! Mike Burns said he needs thousands for them to consider this.

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